Chapter 3

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~Mabel's POV~

I woke up the next morning in my bed. I'd fallen asleep last night when we where all watching a movie together. Well, all of us except Dipper. I glanced over at his bed. He was fast asleep.

Waddles jumped up on my bed. I smiled at him. He knew something was wrong. "Oh, Waddles," I whispered. "I wish I knew what Dipper was mad at."

I quickly got dressed before Dipper could wake up and slipped downstairs. I could smell something cooking. I smiled at Stan when I came down. He was making pancakes and sausage for us. Stanford was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Morning Grunkle Stan," I said. "And...Grandpa."

"Ford's fine," he said. "And I'm actually you're Uncle."

I smiled. "Okay." I went and sat down across from him. He didn't look up from his paper. I got the blender ready and made myself a glass of Mabel juice.

Dipper came down a few minutes after me. He wasn't dressed yet and his hair was sticking up everywhere. It was the first time he came down from our room since before supper yesterday. He looked sad. I'd have to corner him later to ask him why.

He pulled up a chair and sat down, stading off into space.

Stan dropped the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. "Eat up, you two. We have to go into town today."

"Why?" I asked.

"I've gotta pick up something from the post office," Stan said.

"Do I have to go?" Dipper asked. It was the first time I'd heard him talk since yesterday.



"Because I'm your uncle and you listen to what I say."

"But I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"No your not. And I'm not leaving you with Soos and Wendy's going to be working."

"I could help her."

"I said no and that's final."

Dipper looked like he wanted to argue, but he didn't say anything.

"Grunkle Stan, can you at least drop us off at the library?" I asked.

Both Dipper and Stan looked at me confused.

"I think Dipper should gets some more books. I mean, since he's not trying to solve mysteries anymore, at least you can give him that."

"Fine," Stan said. "But that's only because you trusted me."

I smiled. "Of course, Grunkle Stan."

~Dipper's POV~

I looked out the window as we drove into town. Bill's words still rang in my head, no matter how hard I tried to forget them.

Bill had visited me last night in my dreams. He pretty much repeated everything to me and tried to make me turn against my family.

Now I was wondering what Mabel wanted to do in the library. I knew it wasn't books. I'd packed myself a mini library for the summer and reading the journal had stopped me from reading most of them.

Mabel poked me. I tried not to look annoyed as I turned towards her. "I'm not really taking you to get book," she whispered.

"I know," I said.

"Really?" Mabel asked. "How could you possibly have known?"

I shrugged, but didn't say anything.

"Do you want to know why we're really going there?" She asked me.


She frowned. "Dip, are you okay?" She put a hand to my forehead but I swatted it away. "I'm fine," I said. She gave me sad puppy eyes. I ignored her.

"Is this because I trusted Stan instead of you?" She asked. I didn't answer. Instead, I turned back to the window.

We sat in silence until Stan stopped in front of the library. "I'll be back in a half an hour," Stan said. "Have fun, I guess."

Mabel grabbed my hand and pulled me out ot the car before I could get out by myself.

She let go of my hand and turned to me with her arms crossed after Stan drove away. Her eyes where narrowed. "What?" I asked her.

She grabbed me again, but instead of pulling me into the library, she pulled me into the woods behind them. I was starting to get a little worried. What was she up to?

She stopped when we were pretty far away from the library. There was a boulder that she pushed me down on it. Then she stepped back and crossed her arms. "What?" I asked again.

"What's up with you, bro bro?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're just not acting like... yourself."

"Why do you say that?"

Mabel sighed. "You just seem so... distant. We don't hang out like we used to, we haven't gone looking for werewolves or fairies in ages, you lock the door to our room and you never miss an opportunity to go into town!"

I stuck my hands in my pocket. "I guess we don't have to go on any mystery hunts anymore. Not since we've found the author."

"There's another thing. Why aren't you bombarding Ford with questions? You've been looking for this guy for...well...forever."

I shrugged. "Maybe it just doesn't matter."

"Doesn't matter?" Mabel asked. "Can you even hear yourself?"

"Look, Mabel," I said, standing up. "People lose interest in things. It was kinda childish anyway to go after all those mysteries anyway."

"Childish? Dipper, we're twelve. This is the last chance we've got to be childish."

I shrugged again. "You can be, but I've grown up. I've gotta focus on the important things now."

"What, am I not important to you anymore!" Mabel yelled, pushing me back down on the boulder.

"You should have thought of that before you trusted Stan. All I've done this summer is trust you with all my secrets, no matter how big they are. I trusted you, but you didn't trust me!"

"At least I didn't!" Mabel yelled right back at me. "If I trusted you, our uncle wouldn't be here right now!"

"But what if he's not what he seems?" I asked. "Those words from the shapeshifter keep going though my head. You know, "That six-fingered man hasn't been himself in over thirty years." What if he isn't what Stan remembers of him?"

"I saved Ford's life!"

"What if you saved the life of a villain?"

We were in each other's faces now. "I trust Grunkle Stan, too, Dipper," Mabel said. "Why don't you."

"I don't know!"

"Yes you do!"

"Mabel, he lied to us all summer! There was evidence, too! I'm just wondering why you trusted him and not me!"

"Because he's family."

"But I'm your brother!"

"I felt what he was saying was the right thing."

"And I wasn't?"

"Why do you care so much? You've been doing things all summer that I didn't trust you to do! Did I ever get mad at you for that?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but I couldn't find the words. Instead, I pushed her away and walked back to the library.

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