Chapter 13

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~Demon Dipper's POV~


I blew my cover.

"What...who-Who are you and what have you done with my brother!?" Shooting Star asked, a terrified look on her face and her voice shaking.

I smirked at her. I liked this look on her face. She was scared of me. "Oh, but Shooting Star. I am your brother."

I crawled on my hands and knees over to her. Her face got paler and paler as I neared. Then, she suddenly screamed out. "Grunkle Sta-"

I clapped my hand over her mouth. She could get me discovered in five seconds flat! "No one can save you now. Not Stanford, not Stanly, not your friends, not the fat guy, not the redhead chick and definitely not Pine Tree."

Shooting Star's eyes went wide. She said something, that under the hand I was holding over her mouth sounded like "What did you do to my brother, you monster!?"

"Let's say he's a little...preoccupied."

A sudden wet sensation went on the hand over Shooting Star's mouth. I took it off her mouth. "Did you just...lick my hand?"

She pushed past me. Before she got away, I grabbed her ankle and she fell to the ground with a crash. It's a miracle that neither of her friends woke up.

She was about to wiggle out of my grip when I shot her in the head with some of my powers. She went limp. Just to be sure I wouldn't be disturbed, I dragged her into the closet, duct taped her hands together and put a strip over her mouth. Then I shut the door and slipped a broom through the handle to make sure it stayed that way.

I had to find those books!

~Dipper's POV~

My head was throbbing when I woke up. I let out a groan and looked up. My arms had completely lost feeling. I looked around for Bill, but I couldn't find him.

My stomach was knotted in hunger and everything was swimming in front of me. I knew I dehydrated instantly. "Bill," I gasped out.

He appeared in front of me. "Well this is new. I never thought you would actually call me for something."

The edge of my vision was slowly turning black. "I...need...water."

"Hmm," Bill tapped where his chin would be. I knew if I didn't get water soon, I'd pass out.

"...please," my voice cracked.

"Ha!" Bill said. "Finally know where you belong. Begging. You know, you did give me the name of the author," Bill said. "I guess I could give you something. Besides, I wouldn't want you dying of dehydration on me."

Black spots were dancing in my vision now. I closed my eyes. Something was forced into my mouth and something cool ran down my dry throat 

My vision cleared and I looked up to see Bill drizzling water into my mouth. Some of it dripped down my chin.

Too soon, the cup was empty. My stomach growled after that.

Bill didn't seem to hear it. "Now, where were we?"

"Don't tell me you need more information," I said.

Bill shrugged. "No. It would be nice, but I'm not going to kill you, yet. Let's just say, I'm still trying to work out the kinks in the human body. When I figure out all the answers, I'm going to be testing them on my minion. You know, Pine Tree, you've been really helpful. Betraying you family, trying to be brave by saving your sister, not giving in the first time." His eye turned red. "But know this. I'm conscious of your weaknesses. Defy me, and I'll use them against you. Got it?"

I nodded slowly. "But, you're forgetting something," I said.

"What's that?" Bill asked.

I looked him in the eye. "I know your weaknesses too."

~Demon Dipper's POV~

I shuffled through the author's stuff. "Where are they, where are they," I muttered over and over to myself as I searched. I tried not to wake the man up. He was sound asleep in an old spare room.

He didn't have much in the way of things, but he knew the journals were important.

I spotted them. They were in the author's arms.

I swore quietly to myself. How would I get them now?

I tiptoed over to where he was sleeping. I got a firm hold of the first book and tried to slip it out of his hands.

I got the first one without him waking up. I slipped it into my vest.  The second one was on his other side. I leaned over and gently started to remove the books from the man's hands.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open. He grabbed the front of my shirt, jumped out of bed and pushed me against the wall before I could even think, crap.

"What are you doing, kid?" He growled at me.

I didn't answer. "Let me go!"

"You little thief," he said, getting up in my face. "Stanley didn't drag me to boxing lessons three times a week for nothing."

"I-I didn't-"

He grabbed the book from my vest. "Cipher already has the first one because of you," he said, glaring at me. "If he got the other two...let's just say goodbye to your summer."

"I-I..." I tried to act like an innocent, little kid. I sniffed and looked to the ground. "I just wanted to look at it." It came out in a whisper.

"You should have asked for it when I trusted you," the author said, letting me go.

I walked out the door. Plan B. I thought. If he won't give them to me, and I can't steal them lightly... then I'll have to go to a higher risk. But wait! I don't need to act like Pine Tree anymore! Shooting Star already knows! How could I be so dumb!

I looked at Stanford's closed door. "You've made a mistake, author," I said with a smirk. "You're gonna wish you took the easy way and let me have those journals. 'Cause soon, you'll be begging for mercy. Then after that, the real action happens."

Muhahahahah-*ach ach ach!*

Evil laughters is very hard with a cold.

Ahem, hope y'all like this story.

I've been keeping you in the dark long enough. Prepare for a hopefully longer, action packed episode next!

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