Chapter 14

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~Bill's POV~

"I know your weaknesses, too."

His answer shocked me. Did little Pine Tree just...threaten me?

Me of all people?

"How?" I asked. Maybe he was just bluffing. Everyone bluffs when they're scared.

He just smirked at me. "Well, for one I know you're probably a very sad person, well, at least you were. You probably went through something intense. Something so terrible, that it drove you to insanity. You also think you're extremely clever." He shrugged. "But someone clever wouldn't have smashed the author's laptop. He would have kept it for himself. You want the journals, but that laptop probably had just the same amount of information as those journals. And let's not forget-"

I had enough. I grabbed the kid's throat. "You know nothing about how I think!"

I could tell he was struggling to breath. "Really? Because you're hiding it terribly!"

I internally gritted my teeth. "You little..." I felt my hand heating up.

Pine Tree noticed it too. "No, wait! You shouldn't kill me! Haven' been for...something?" His words came out in gasps. His face was bright red. He looked me straight in the eye. "You really gonna...end this all now? it."

My anger subsided. I grunted and let go of his neck. He fell back down to the ground, gasping for air. He had tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Anything else to say, Pine Tree?"

He opened his mouth, but all that came out was coughing.

"That's what I thought."

~Demon Dipper's POV~

No use hiding anymore. This would end today. No one was going to stop us.

I walked back to "our" room. Shooting Star's friends were still fast asleep. I glanced out the window. The sun was just inching it's way over the horizon. Perfect.

I held up my hand. It sparked then burst into a flame. I smirked. No one would be getting in my way. I contacted Bill and stepped into the mindscape.

"Do you have the journals?" Bill asked, looking impatient.

"Well, not exactly," I said. "But, I just needed to tell you that Shooting Star maaay or may not have found out I'm not her brother."

Bill's eye turned red. "What."

"So, um, I was wondering if I could reveal myself now? I mean, the old man seems to trust Shooting Star more than me."

"Where is she now?" Bill asked. He tried to keep his voice even, but I could tell he was mad.

"It's all taken care of," I said. "I locked her in the closet."

"Okay," Bill said. "Here, I'll make a deal with you. How's 'bout you let me have that body of yours. I'll take care of everything, don't worry. Just make sure Pine Tree doesn't escape or die before I kill him."

I nodded. He held out his hand to me and lit it on fire. I grabbed it and felt a weird sensation of being pulled out of my body. I looked down at myself. My body was transparent. It was also pitch black.

Bill looked down at my, well now his, hands. "Ah, just like before." He looked up at me. "I'll be back in a flash. You know what to do."

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

I stepped out of the other side where Bill had come through. It went into the cave. I glanced at Pine Tree. His head was down and he looked like he was crying.

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