Chapter Eight

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Stenwulf narrowed his eyes at Drahem, who had the look of a predator sure of victory.

"I'm sure I could find them while I was bedridden".

Bonfire wished he wouldn't be sarcastic, especially with some members' confusion turning to hatred. She felt like she was caught in a storm and being tossed around by Drahem's careless hand. Behind her, Stenwulf was an equally abrasive wall.

"Oh, that would be a very good excuse. If the attacks hadn't started just as a mysterious assailant lured you into the woods". At everyone’s surprised look, he feigned shock. "Has our hero queen not told of the possible dangers to our lands? And now we hear these men want it for themselves! Can we no longer trust the royal family?"

Bonfire stood abruptly, "I have always done what is best for this country! And you have always opposed, what is the point of this?"

He gave an annoyed grunt and waved his hand dismissively. "Do not make this my mistake. You are an arrogant child; your lack of wise decision making was already proven. But we've given you multiple chances and you betray us again".  His voice was thick with contempt, carrying his aversion to bowing for a youth clearly to her ears. "If the royal family cannot perform their duty, they are not fit for the throne!"

Stenwulf strolled across the room until he came face to face with Drahem. He stood as straight as possible, the crutch in the crook of his arm. The men glared at each other.

 Around them, the silence grew heavier until finally he spoke. "What would you have us do?"

"To ride out! To drive them off! But I couldn't expect this from cowards".

He began to speak but Oadel said, quietly, "Enough. Stenwulf, would this be an acceptable action?"

When he nodded, Oadel continued. "Then we will send a guard-"

"I will go too".

"No" they both shouted.

Bonfire glared at them until they conceded before storming out.


Bonfire swung her door closed behind her, letting out a surprised yelp when Stenwulf stopped it. He didn't ask to come in, but she stepped aside anyway. Limping passed her, she could tell he was mad and knew his anger was aimed at her. She didn't know how to react. He'd never shown anger towards her, and yet she knew it was deserved.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, voice barely a whisper.

"I didn't know...I-" her voice choked off.

He let out a harsh laugh and turned to look at her. His face showed a faint hint of an inner struggle. She wanted to know what he felt, search their bond, but at the same time unsure she was strong enough. Guilt made her look away. She just wanted the world to make sense again. Instead she’d run herself into this corner and left herself at his mercy. It was a childish mistake to think that if she didn’t speak of it, the problem would resolve itself. But she couldn’t change her decisions. So she waited.

"Can you not admit it? That you feel the same way?" he asked through clenched teeth.

"I didn't".


She stared at him with pleading eyes. Struggling for words to describe how she'd felt, and failing. She thought she’d been immune to gossip but she’d doubted so easily. It never occurred to her before that he’d be so different from his people. In that moment she realized that not so much time had gone by. They stood in silence until she couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to think, or do".

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course!"

He snorted and walked passed her, yanking open the door. She wanted to stop him but shame kept her frozen.

"I'll be ready to ride soon enough my queen".

He left before she could say anything else. And she wondered how she could be so stupid.


An hour later they were both mounted, along with Owyn and a small army. Drahem was also there on Stenwulf's orders. They rode out pass curious stares and murmurs. Images of what horrors they would find haunted everyone. But they plagued the king. He alone had witnessed the carnage left behind. A part of him wanted to believe this was just coincidence, but he couldn't for long. As time passed his intuition told him he knew these people. And he cursed himself for not demanding the queen stay behind. As a political opponent, she was a formidable foe but a fighter she wasn't. Anything that happened to her would be blood on his hands.

They encountered the enemy's camp the next night, stopping a few yards from the tree edge. The main force was held back while two scouts went ahead. Resisting the urge to follow after them, he stayed close to Bonfire. Doing his best to warn her and keep her calm. She was holding up, but her hands shook. He took them.

"Stay near me, I'm here to protect you. Regardless of what he says" he whispered, glaring at Drahem.

"I'm sorry".

He dismissed her apology and stared in the direction the scouts had gone. When they returned, his worse fears were confirmed. "How many are there?"

"There are easily a hundred or more. We're outnumbered".

The soldiers began talking among themselves, but were silenced with a deadly look.

"Could you see any flags?"

"Just one”. He paused, trying to think of the proper words. “A red flag with a wolf head and shield symbol".

They waited for a response, but he couldn't manage it. He felt as if all of his strength had drained. He felt a touch on his arm and placed his hand over Bonfire's.

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