Chapter 1

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So. Here we are again, I guess. Part two of my story. This is where it all goes downhill. How I start to care a little too much and realize I'm in way over my head. 

It had been a while since my adventure into the MCU. I had no proof that it had ever happened, but I still had the book and amulet, which I checked on every day. No update. Maybe that was it. Maybe my job was finished. I was more than a little disappointed to come to that conclusion to be honest. I had hoped to see everyone again, maybe even meet with Loki without the mind control, although I had seen a Tik Tok the other day with an edit about the battle of New York and I noticed that when Loki looked out onto the destruction, he seemed regretful, sad even. I also noticed that the horrible icy blue in his eyes were gone. It made me think of the threat he had given Natasha Romanoff. 

"I'll make him kill you, slowly, in every way he knows you fear. Then I'll wake him up just long enough to see his good work, and I'll split his skull." 

What if those were Thanos' words too. What if he woke Loki up from his control after he had caused so much destruction. After watching the Loki series, he had openly admitted to not enjoying killing. It made me sad to think about how much he had gone through. Before, I would convince myself that it was just a movie, with actors, and he wasn't actually that unfortunate in his life, but after living the movie myself and seeing them all up close, I wasn't so sure.

I was coming home from another tedious day at work and threw my back onto the floor next to the door before walking into my room and flopping on the bed. I was so bored with life it was exhausting. Imagine that, being so tired from doing absolutely nothing.

That was when I noticed the faint golden glow from my desk, the place where I left the notebook and amulet. Excitement ripped through me like a geyser and I jumped up to grab the book and opened it to the glowing page.

Welcome back Y/N. I need you again. Your job is more difficult this time. You'll know it when you see it. Remember, keep absolutely EVERYTHING the same. Not a single detail must change.

I wondered what that meant. I continued to read.

Good luck on your mission.

 - The Watcher

Name: Y/N

Story: Thor: The Dark World

Powers: Access to dark magic

Well, that was kind of them to leave me a power that I had no idea what it meant. I had kind of hoped for something to make it a bit easier. Oh well. I couldn't exactly complain seeing as I had gotten what I wanted. Thor. I would be going to Asgard! I looked down at my dress pants and button up shirt from work and decided to get changed before I leave. No doubt it would take a lot more convincing for Odin to let me help and I would most likely need to wear something that was easy to move in. 

I got dressed into something more flexible and grabbed the amulet, slipping it over my head. My thumb pressed firmly on the glowing green button and my head lurched, the pounding headache not wasting a second to invade my brain and squish my skull. Colors filled my vision and this time I watched as it seemed to be the Bifrost that was transporting me.

When I landed, I didn't exactly land, I was thrown through the end of the portal, hitting the ground and sliding across it. Ouch. 

I stood up, vision fuzzy from the impact and brushed myself off.

"Who are you? State your business here?" Uh Oh. I knew exactly who that was. As my sight cleared, I looked up at the heavy golden armor surrounding the gatekeeper of the 9 realms. Heimdall.

"Okay, this is going to look super bad for me, but I'm a friend." He did not look convinced.

"You accessed the Bifrost. How? What dark magic did you use? Are you a sorceress?" Woah, way too many questions.

"Okay, slow down. I'm a friend of Thor's, we met on Earth. Well, Midgard. Second, I didn't access the Bifrost, this guy did, he's apparently super powerful called-" Suddenly it was like my tongue turned to lead. I couldn't say the name. What was this? I swallowed and decided it would be best not to say the guy's name. Apparently, he didn't like it. "Never mind. I'm just here for Thor." Heimdall pointed his sword at me as a group of Einherjar soldiers stormed in with spears and shield.

"Heimdall, who is this intruder?" Heimdall glared at me. This was not going to go well.

"Take her to Odin. She comes bearing lies." The Einherjar advanced slowly and I backed back a little bit. I was going to regret this. Taking a deep breath, I ran forward, slipping through the soldiers and sprinting through the rainbow bridge. Unfortunately for them, they were all wearing heavy golden armor whereas I had made the smart choice to wear sporty clothes. Go me.

The bad thing was that the bridge was exceedingly long and the Einherjar had brought horses. I ran out of breath quickly and they jumped off their horses, tackling me to the ground.

"STAY DOWN!" They screamed in my ear, and I flinched. "Move and you will die."

"Not going to!" I managed to squeak out from the weight on top of me. They stood me to my feet and dragged me to the huge castle. The trip back was a walk and I actually looked around and saw the beauties of Asgard. Everything was stunning. I've heard people say they thought it would look better in person, but to be honest, other than looking 3D, it looked about the same as it did on screen. Still breathtaking though.

I was hauled into the main hall of the castle where Odin stood on his throne.

"Who is this stranger?" His loud voice boomed throughout the walls. I was about to answer but was shoved to my knees.

"She was caught accessing the Bifrost without Heimdall knowing about it. She says she is a friend of Thor's." 

"And isn't it such a coincidence that Thor isn't here for us to check. How scheming. What do you want imposter." Now I could finally talk.

"I am a friend of Thor's. We met on Midgard, and I helped capture Loki, your welcome."

"Loki is yet to return to Asgard so your claims mean nothing." What? He should have returned the day I left. "How did you access the Bifrost?"

"Dude, I don't even know. It just sort of happened. Look. I'm here because I need to make sure that everything that is supposed to happen, happens. So, it would be much appreciated if you let me follow Thor around everywhere so I can fix things that aren't supposed to happen." Odin's face didn't change.

"I've heard enough. Lock her up. And make sure she doesn't get out. She can access the dark magic." Um, no. I couldn't. You're just a useless old coot.

It was then that the doors to the hall thundered open. I was dragged off to the side and I caught Loki's eyes which widened in surprise at seeing me. Frigga walked out from a door and although I tried to pull away, the two guards holding onto me, and the four guards in front and behind me stopped me and continued to drag me down to the cells.

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