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"My lord I was wondering where you had gone last night." Tom looked at Lucius and his annoyance was clear.

Lucius looked away but what he didn't know was that the annoyance wasn't for him.

Last night Harry had stopped their little session only minutes after Tom was about to go to the next step further.
He knew Harry was slightly playing with him and that pissed him off because he wanted Harry and Harry was being a little bitch about everything.

Narcissa walked in with Emily in her arms.

"You wanted to see me my lord." Tom sighed and held up a letter. "From Harry." Narcissa raised an eyebrow but took the letter.
"My lord did Harry do something?" "Fucking brat doesn't know when to stop teasing." Narcissa felt a smirk tug at her lips. "What has he teased you about?" Tom looked at Narcissa pissed and annoyed.
She couldn't help but giggle quietly.

"My lord.. I do hope you know it's just teasing." "For weeks?" Tom hissed. "Maybe make it known..  you don't.. like his teasing." Tom growled. "He's a brat. He's a git. He can die by my wand!"
Tom slammed his hand on the desk and Emily cried.

Narcissa quickly calmed her and gave her attention back to Tom.

"My lord Harry and you.. are somewhat similar.. try talking to him." "He's impossible!" Narcissa shook her head. "Would you like me to send a letter?" "No." Tom held a hand up and pinched his nose. "No. He will make fun of me." "Why would he make fun of you my lord?" "Because it's bloody Harry we're talking about!"
Narcissa smiled.
"Well I hope you figure out your lovers quarrel soon." She walked away and Tom yelled after her. "We are not lovers!"

She giggled and shook her head when the door closed.

"Ah Harry I wish you knew what the dark lord acted like when you teased him."

Harry shot up and sighed.

"Why did it feel like someone was cursing my out?"
Harry sighed and slid out of his bed lazily.

The door banged open and Harry looked over to see Hermione.
"What's up 'Mione?"

Hermione huffed and followed Harry into the bathroom. Harry shut the door as Hermione faced away while he stripped.

"So.. why are you here?" "Because Draco wasn't giving cuddles." "You two cuddle 24 fucking 7." "We don't."
Harry hopped into the shower.
"You do." "Do not!" "Ok so you laying together on the couch downstairs in the common room isn't cuddling. When you two are being close together in class isn't cuddling. When you two-." "I get it!"
Harry chuckled and the door opened.

"This isn't a chatting place!" Hermione smirked and Ron shut the door. "Blaise is ignoring me!" "What's with the lovers quarrel with you two?"

Harry looked around the shower curtain. Ron crossed his arms as Hermione huffed.

"Anyways why do you think he's ignoring you Ron?" "He woke up before me and left the room before me. I can't find him anywhere!" "Talk to him when you see him again." "He's like you Harry! He won't tell me!"
Harry sighed and began to wash his body.

The door once again opened and Harry looked around to see Tom.

"Oh.. ah.. Timmothy Flicket right?" Toms eye twitched as Harry snorted. "Laugh and I'll fucking kill you."
Tom shut the door.

"You are all in my bathroom! I am taking a shower naked!" "I've seen it all." Harry rolled his eyes as Hermione and Ron high fived.
"Anyways Timmothy why have you come to join us in the bathroom?" "I need to talk to you." Tom leaned on the wall. "Why didn't you just come at night like always?" "Oh he comes at night?" Hermione wiggled her eyebrows and both rolled their eyes. " 'Mione stop. It's not like that and you know it."

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