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Lana and damiano was unconscious
I tried to talk to damiano in his ears and he woke up
And he runs into the forest
I ran after him
And suddenly he stopped in the middle of the forest
I tried so hard to talk to him and suddenly

D:- chiara is that you?
C:- YES YES can you hear me ?????
D:- omg where are you???
C:- i will tell you later, now you have to hide look you can hide at brando's
Lana will never think of it
D:- i don't know him
C:- i will tell you the address and you have to go now! And i will come later
D:- okay okayyy

I told him the address and i went back to my home and i found my mom she was trying to woke me up
I slept over my body and after mins i woke up
Mom was freak out and i told her about everything

Mom:- we have to leave this town
C:- you know lana will find us again
Mom:- we have to do anything we can't stay here
C:- i will go to brando's home i have to make sure that damiano is all right
Mom:- no you can't do that
C:- mom i have to go

I walked out and went to brando's
Brando was so confused i told him everything

B:- lana is psycho we have to leave the whole town
C:- did my mom call you? Off course we can't leave it she will find us in just an hour
B:- look chiara ,in few days is your wedding with caleb and this is makes me crazy so we have to leave thi..



Damiano jumped over me to protect me
I was in shock i didn't know what is happen i just heard gunshots.
After seconds it was silence
I get up and ran to brando to see him
He was unconscious and there was blood everywhere
I called 911 and they come with the ambulance
Brando was still alive
I told the police i didn't see anything
And ran to the hospital and called my mom she works at the same hospital
She comes in just minutes and then all the doctors went inside to see brando
And after hours
Mom comes to me,she was crying
She didn't say anything
But i knew
Brando is dead
Because of me
I didn't say a word my mom was hugging me and when she looks at me i couldn't feel anything,
and i fell down.

I woke up after hours
I thought i was dreaming i looked behind me and i saw damiano and my mom was sleeping on the coach

C:- momm
Mom:- hey sweetie,do you feel better?
Damiano:- are you okayyy???
C:- where is brando? Did he die??? Who did that??? I can't understand!!!

I start crying i was in shock
I didn't talk again
I went back to my home
I went to my room to sleep
I told everyone to leave me alone because i'm okay
I start to remember everything witch brando
The first night together
And his look when he saw me at the school for the first time
His eyes when he said that he is into me
I cried for hours and i fell asleep after that

I woke up the next day
I looked behind me and she was phoebe
When i saw her i start crying again

C:- phoebee brando is dead
I didn't saw ..... anyone theree
P:- everything will be okayy, you have to be strong for your mother and damiano, i saw him downstairs he told me everything you have to help him
C:- but brando i can't make it , i can't even feel my power , i'm done
P:- you have to be strong to take your revenge
C:- i can't phoebe i'm done, i don't want anything anymore i just need to sleep again please leave me alone
P:- i will be down stairs with your mom and damiano

I cried again and again
And i fell asleep
And woke up without my body
I went down i saw phoebe and damiano and mom i didn't say anything because i know now they could hear me like damiano so i went out
I went to brando's home
I went in
There was blood , the window was broken
I was so sad
And then i heard someone calling my name


C:- who is that???
B:- that is me brando

I saw him getting out from his room
His body was transparent just like mine

B:- hey hey no i'm not alive
He hugged me
B:- last thing i can remember was a gun shoot and then i wake up in here so i went out and talked to more than person and no one can see or hear me
And when i saw you i said chiara and you heard me!!!
C:- yes, i'm sleeping right now it's my soul.
B:- i'm not sad that i died and i'm happy that i can see you again
C:- you know ,if i die too i can be with you forever
B:- NO, are you crazy? You know that you are the only one who can beat lana you can't die
C:- i can't feel my power brando, i'm done
B:- no you are not , you are just sad, but heyy you can see me anytime , you just have to sleep to see me, but now you have to woke up and to be the supreme, you have to get rid of lana,for me and for your father and for damiano,okay? Promise me that you will do it!!!
C:- i promise you brando
I love you
B:- i love you too, you have to woke up now , i will be there for you forever
C:- i love you brandoo

I went out and get back to my house i was so angry and when i slept over my body and woke up
My hair was extremely red
My eyes was so red
I stand up and i was so powerful

And there was only one question in my head , why did lana didn't come back to take damiano?
I went down and see them

Mom:- chiara are you okay?
Phoebe :- yeah, you looks so angry,hey calm down
Damiano:- what is happening here, what is wrong with her hair?
C:- i'm fine guys
More than fine.
I just need some fresh air
Mom:- no you can't get out it's 10 pm and it's freezing outside
C:- i will just take a walk for 10 min
P:- okay i will come with you
C:- no!! I need to be alone

When i said that i was so angry and screaming
So 1 window broke because of my voice so they let me out.
I went there,
To lana's castle.

A girl with a red hairWhere stories live. Discover now