Paul McCartney-Nowhere boy

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I can hear my older brother John causing a racket downstairs and it's driving me nuts as I'm trying to get my homework down. I'm Y/N Lennon, twin sister to John Lennon and he's the older one sadly meaning that he thinks he's more entitled to getting whatever he wants.

I hear the front door being opened when I hear one of johns friends, Paul talking as well and I feel my heart stop. I have the largest crush ever on Paul yet I can't do anything about it as their in a band together so John will never allow it.

I figured it was probably in my best interests to head down and say hello to Paul, even if I was terrified of embarrassing myself.

As I enter the room all eyes are on me. Oh shit including Paul!
"What are you doing down here Y/N? This is a private band practice!" I heard John shout at me as soon as he noticed my presence.
"Relax my twinny dearest I'm only walking past to get a drink." I replied while rolling my eyes.

~time skip~

It's been about 2 weeks since I last saw Paul, I really miss him, even if I never really got to talk to him.  I get startled out of my trance like state but a knock to my door.
"Come in!" I say loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.
"Y/N? It's Paul. Is it still alright if I come in?" My heart stops as he says his name.  My mind goes blank yet I still mange to string together a couple words.
"Yes, of course."
"Great I have something I've been dying to tell you." That's all he says as he walks in and seats himself on my be beside me. What surprises me more is when he reaches over and grips my hand in casing it within his own right before he starts speaking again.
"Y/N I'm just gonna say this once loud and clear and if you don't feel the same just let me know and I'll completely understand and I'll leave you alone to so that it's not awkward between us..." I cut him off after that telling him.
" it's alright Paul just skip to the point?"
" oh right of course well basically I really really like you in a way that's much more than friends and I was hope you felt the same way about me?"
My heart basically jumped out of my chest with joy so with the largest smile I replied that.
" yes Paul I feel the same about you and I have for a while now." And I got to watch the grin grow on his face at my words.

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