El comió demasiada azúcar- Part 2

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italics = Benji's internal misery

Bold = Stefan

gauche (adjective)                                                                                                   unsophisticated and socially awkward

It was the day of the wedding, and yet all Benji could think of was Stefan. He'd forgotten all about his valiant plans to save Khaled and face his mother's wrath. The tiny boy was just too overwhelmed to do anything right.

He stumbled and tripped everywhere in his daze. And though on the outside he looked like a normal teenager just going through a phase, he was internally stressing and panicking, because he had a study session with Stefan today evening, and if he had any hope of bringing up his grades, he needed Stefan's help. But this was Stefan, the boy Benji was totally falling for, even though they just met 2 days ago.

Benji's mother looked like an angel in her pure white wedding dress. Heh. 

If only they knew that her soul was blacker than black.

Khaled cleaned up pretty well too. His suit was made to match with his mother's expensive blue necklace and corsage.

Corsage? What was this, senior prom or something?

Then, all of a sudden, a thought hit him like a brick. Stefan was around the same size as Khaled. What would he look like in a suit?

The image of Stefan walking towards him in a suit darker than night made Benji feel like fainting.

Ahh, that Stefan's really going to end me UGHH get out of my head you idiot

Benji took a minute to close his eyes and calm down, to concentrate on the wedding that was proceeding rather fast. Guests were constantly pouring in, and people were gushing over how cute he was. Benji could already feel how mad his mother was that he was getting all the attention at her wedding.

And when Benji opened his eyes, his mind went blank. Because Stefan was strolling towards him leisurely, donning a classic black suit with a white button-up.

Is this- am I dreaming or something? Did I wish for this so hard that it actually came true?

Benji's legs were shaking and his head was spinning and everything seemed out of orbit and all he could see was Stefan, Stefan, Stefan.

Fuck it, this is not happening to me again! I'm out of this place.

Benji ran from his spot and hid behind the food stalls, his breathing still harsh, but not from running all the way over. Why was Stefan even AT his mother's wedding? Wait no, dumb question, of course, his mom would invite the neighbors.

This is too much for my heart. Ugh, I need to eat.

And he ate. and ate. and ate. and ate. Because Benji had a habit of stress eating, and the stress he was feeling now was astronomical, and there was no way to stop it. Benji shut his eyes tight as he heard his mother calling his name. He was barely on his 76th doughnut, and it was already time for the walk of shame- he means, time for the bride to walk down the aisle?

Gulping down the 77th doughnut, Benji hesitantly stepped out from behind the stalls and made his way towards his mother, ignoring the intense stare on the side of his head. He kept his head tilted downwards as his mom and Khaled exchanged vows.

And then he could feel those eyes traveling lower and lower and settling on his butt.

Benji's eyes widened. Was he- was Stefan- staring at his ass?

This is too much, too much, too much!

Benji sighed in relief as his mom threw back the bouquet, and some random lady caught it, squealing in excitement. This wedding was over and he could go home and escape from Stefan, even if it was just for a short while. Benji walked away quickly, trying to get out of the venue.

But his hopes of avoiding the boy were crushed when two neatly polished, large pairs of shoes entered his vision. And when he looked up to see who it was, he was met with a pair of amused honey-like eyes. Benji's eyes widened and he looked around frantically, trying to find an excuse to run away.

But then Stefan stepped closer and closer until there was little to no space between them, and Benji's heart was beating at a dangerous rate and everything felt tingly and his knees felt weak and Stefan! Stefan was right there, in the middle of it all.

"Love" Stefan cooed, and Benji's brain short-wired. He could handle being stared at and being hugged, but being called cute nicknames was something his gay heart couldn't take.


"Love?" Stefan said again, but this time it was phrased more like a question. Benji looked back into Stefan's eyes, only to be greeted with some unknown emotion that made him feel like it was the end of the world, and all that was left was him and Stefan.

As if they weren't already close enough, Stefan stepped even closer and Benji's knees buckled, and then Stefan's arms were around his waist, holding him up and his face was burning and IT WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR BENJI TO HANDLE

And the overwhelmed boy collapsed, his eyes closing shut. Stefan, panicking, yelled for help, and before he knew it, people were everywhere, some were recording, and Benji's mom was crying and his new dad was shaking him and it was all a mess.

And then there was a doctor, and they took Benji from Stefan's arms and told him Benji was going to be alright and to go home.

And in the end, it turns out Benji had been diagnosed with Diabetes, and that he had to monitor his sugar intake from now on.

El comió demasiada azúcar, eh?

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