Ginny and Annabeth "Cooperate"

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Ginny POV

There was not much in the Athena cabin. Just a pile of books and two beds lined up againt the wall. You would think that I would love books because I am an Athena child but for some reason that love for reading does not come to me. I have to force myself to read for long hours. 

Anyway, I was just sitting on bed checking my Instagram when I heard the door click open. Annabeth came in glaring at me. She sat down on her bed, took out her phone, and started checking her facebook.

I tried to start a conversation.

"So, what's up?"

"Nothing just that you are dating my ex-boyfriend! I am totally not jealous!" 

'Geez! I didn't know. You shouldn't have broken up with him."

With that comment she sat up and stared at me. 

"You think I wanted to break up with him! I didn't want to. He was the one who wanted to. I just didn't want to act like I couldn't live without him. I didn't want to seem weak!"

"Oh...I am so sorry! do you want me to talk to Percy?"

"No", she siged, "It's fine." 

After that our conversation stopped and Annabeth started treating me like I was a vile germ she couldn't get rid of. The whole evening she snapped at me and yelled at me if I made a mistake. 

Boy she really despises me. 

Around Percy she tries to act cool but I can tell she trying hard not to cry. Percy also does his part and shoves it in her face. He vigorously kisses Piper in front of her and holds hands with Piper whenever Annabeth passes by in front of them. 

Over the days Annabeth slowly started losing her temper at small things and then would put her head in her hands. Every night she softly cried to sleep. 

I am going to talk to Percy soon. 

Because I know one thing. Annabeth always has one expression when she is near Percy and Piper. It is the face of someone who is heartbroken. 

Short and crappy chapter I know. But I finally updated. Now I can guarentee you that I will update every weekend. 

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