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Meet NightShade, that's his nickname, his real name, Ace.

Origin:He was enchanted by some magicians for their joke

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He was enchanted by some magicians for their joke. He soon is the protector of his town. Lately, he is a wanderer, traveling from one town to another. Helping the townspeople when they have problems. He was welcomed by a powerful shapeshifter and helped him with his schemes before leaving with his "older brother".


Metal claw: He replaced his right forearm with the claw. Why? His forearm had been cutoff years ago and decided to add it when he can't use his spear in any close combat.

Spear: He uses it when enemy is far or out of reach. One of the magic items given by the shapeshifter, it comes back with the help of the gem placed on it. He uses it rarely since most of his enemies fight close to him.

(I may or may not use him for one of Wolf_Chocolate_Candy Story, The Wolf Pack)

Edit: I have been testing out some new drawing techniques such as drawing those type of feet better and dragon skulls, well some skull

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