Chapter 1

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I smiled at my handsome, older brother kiss his bride right in front of me. One day it was just him and I wrestling for the television remote, and now he's standing before me starting his new future with his new best friend who isn't me. I'm not jealous though, I can't wait to get him out of the house. I'll finally have some peace and quiet. Who am I kidding, I'm going to miss him. I was sitting right next to my second best friend, Lilian. I looked over at her, she was watching very carefully. My brother was her first "love". Not sure if she is actually over him though. I'm praying she is because she definitely doesn't have a chance now. I laughed to myself. I turned to face the couple again, they were waving and yelling thanks to everyone. I stood up as well as everyone else and clapped. Whistling and yelling echoed my ears, while I was just looking at my brother and his new wife. He caught me staring and smiled widely at me. 

He mouthed "Love you Layla". 

I blew him a kiss and waved. I was so happy for him. After all the love, they finally took off down the aisle. We all watched them, and when they disappeared everyone scattered to the reception.

"You okay?" I ask nudging Lilian while we entered the garden. I smirked at her.

"Shut up, I'm totally over him okay?" she spit back.

"Okay, okay sorry." totally not believing her.

We walked over to meet my parents sitting at a table, drinking wine.

"Oh there she is! My only child now," my dad jokes. "Where have you been kiddo?" we all hugged and sat down with them.

"We just sat somewhere else. We couldn't find you so we sat right in front next to Grandpa Mac and Grandma Hellen," I replied. "They wouldn't shut up about their retirement."

Mom and dad laughed and continued to talk about people that showed up that they don't like, as they were before the ceremony.

"I'll be right back," I whisper into Lilian's ear. "good luck," I giggled.

Before Lilian could grab me and beg me to stay, I walked away. I walked around saying hello to everyone, and talking about how proud we are of my brother. I nod to every compliment he receives, knowing everything is true. Carter has always been that kind of person who everyone loves. I got a few compliments myself, a couple dozen smiling and shaking hands later I walked over to the food table. I squeezed through people and got a plate of my own. The food line was tremendously long. I sighed and leaned all my weight on one side and put my hand on my hip. 

"Having fun?" I hear a deep voice ask behind me.

I turn and see a tall young man smiling at me. The man I was now looking at instead of the social atmosphere wore a black suit with a black tie. His hair was dark brown and nicely swooshed to the side. He had a five o'clock shadow and penetrative dark blue eyes. His skin was lightly tan and was beaming from the sunlight. His lips curled up to a smirk as I was studying him. 

"A blast," I finally let out. He looked down at me and laughed.

"I'm Nick, by the way. Nice to meet you." He reached out his hand as I did the same. We exchange a gentle handshake and let go.

"I'm Layla."

As he opened his mouth again to speak, my little cousin, Audrey, ran up and hugged me.

"Oh, hi there!" I chuckled. 

"Look at my dress I got!" she smiled.

"It looks great," As I played with her curly hair I felt Nicks piercing eyes on me. I can't say I felt uncomfortable but I did feel insecure as a very handsome man stares me down.

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