Chapter 3

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I open my eyes and cover my face when the sound of my alarm is ringing through my ears. I puff and throw the blanket off, reaching for my phone to turn off the revolting sound. I let out a deep sigh and sit up. I look around at my new room and glance over at the time on my Audrey Hepburn clock above my old, wooden door. I had exactly fifty-two minutes for my first class here at Emory University. 

The last four days here has been full of multiple floor meetings, freshman activities and tours. I am utterly exhausted but I knew that this feeling will have to become the new norm. I stand up and grab my things to take a shower. I unfortunately did not have my own bathroom because I chose my own room instead but I didn't mind the community bathrooms. The only deficient thing about community bathrooms is some people blast their music so early in the morning. I walk down the hall still wobbly, considering I just woke up. I hold my shower caddy in my left hand as I used the right hand to rub my heavy eyes. As I was just about to reach the bathroom door when I ran into something that did not feel like a wall.

"Oh, shit," I heard a familiar voice murmur. It was Garrett. 

"I am so sorry," I say and bend down to pick up my shower caddy that must've fallen due to the accident. I start to gather my things when he bends down and helps me. I have never had a normal interaction with this boy.

"No worries," he smiles and hands me my purple luffa, "good morning to you too."

We both stand back up and I immediately assume he just got out of the shower due to the fact that he was shirtless and had a white towel wrapped around his waist. He catches my eyes looking at his appearance and lets out a mellow laugh before running his hands through his wet hair.

"I must say, we certainly keep having interesting run ins with each other," Garrett says. It's like he read my mind.

"Tell me about it," I laugh, "again, sorry about that. Obviously I still don't know my way around the place."

"Again, no worries. Run into me anytime, I don't mind," he smirks and turns around before walking to his room. I let out another sigh and shake my head in embarrassment. Of course, I always make an ass out of myself in front of any hot guy that comes my way. 


I pace myself as I walk into a stone century old building. I walk through the doors wearing a black v-neck and ripped up skinny jeans along with my white vans. My hair was wavy and very volumed since I didn't have time to blow dry my hair this morning. I walk through the beautiful hallways and pass by all different kinds of people. Student walk by with either wearing a bright face or a face full of misery. I keep my head held high as I look at the piece of paper with my class schedule on it. As my eye contact departs from my schedule, I walk up a flight of stairs. It probably took me a few minutes to find my first class but I finally found it. 

I walk into the older looking classroom with most of the seats filled up. The scent of cedar wood caused me to smile. I look around carefully for a spot that I could call my own for the hour. A seat right next to the window catches my eye before I make my way over there. I was expecting a lecture looking classroom but I guess I was wrong. I study the design of the classroom. A green chalkboard was held on the wall along with the name of "Professor Valentine" along with the title of the course, "Composition l".  I sit there silently when I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

"Layla?" said the feminine voice. I turn around to see a familiar face. 

"Oh my god, Katherine?" I say in shock. We both silently freak out and get up to hug each other. 

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