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The brat stood up nd glared at him, 'Shut up, you bean pole' the dark head said while glaring at him, 'that's all you got brat?' Kie asked the teen with a smirk.

To his surprise this brat is not just a brat but also a copy cate 'That's all you got brat' He copied Kie words with a cheeky weird tone.'tch,whatever' Kie said and walked to the bakery.

'Tobio!' A small blonde girl ran to the raven while heavy panting, 'What do u want Yachi san' the boy said and turned to look at the blonde, 'why are u here? And not in the mansion' the girl demand for a answer, 'I had a headache, so I came here for the medicine' the brat spoked while looking at the ground.

'Your medicine are in ma'am box.' The girl spoked 'why is it mama box?' The brat asked. Kie was getting bored so he walked to the bakery after all listening to a brat ordering at a girl is not something Kie wants to start his morning with.


'The last time ma'am came in the mansion, she got a headache do I gave her your pain killers.' The girl said 'Yachi san--' The girl did the 90 degrees bow 'I am sorry! I should have probably kept in your-' It's fine Yachi san, but why are u here?' The raven asked.

'Ma'am told me that they were no food in fridge for you so I was send here to buy the food and take it to you' The blonde girl said 'oh u can go back to the office.' The boy said 'Oh are u sure it's just a headache cause if it's more than we can go to the doctor---

'Yachi san it's just a headache you should go mama and Papa needs you more than  I do' the younger said 'I am sorry-' The raven put his hand on to his mother personal assistant 'please stop with the apologize' the boy said with a pout.

'Okay okay I will stop, but if somethings happen please call me ma'am and sir is probably busy' the girl said while writing something in her phone. 'What are u writing?' Tobio asked 'Oh I am informing ma'am that you have a headache'.

After some mins of convincing his mother's assistant she finally left the market, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked on to his phone which said it was 10.35 am now, his head hurts more than before probably cause of that areshole he met.

'I should have probably not come out and wait till mother and father came home.' The raven thought, 'While what can I do now, I should probably buy some food and my medicine.'


Today was horrible, kei would not made it to his class and was told that he will have to clean the whole class as a punishment great just great. 'I should probably hurry and clean this' He said while holding the buster on his head luckily he wasn't the only one who is late, apparently Suna Rin was also late so that's the only good that happened today.

But that jerk is not helping but texting some shithead. 'Can u help me clean up' his voice came out The boy in the desk looked at him, 'No' the freak have a quick and simple answer and went back to cleaning, this Kie mad like what?!

'Help me or I will tell the teacher about this' Kie said while shooting him a glare 'Whatever' the black head rolled his eyes and finally came to help him.

While cleaning Kie soon found out that the guy next to him is Suna Rin, not like he wanted to know that Areshole name, After the sun had finally set the two teens in the classroom had finished with their cleaning.

'I am tired' Suna said while texting someone, 'Farwell' Kie said and left the class, 'so rude leaving and not even waiting for me, at least Tobio will come to take me home with him' Suna thought and started packing up.


The sun was down so the place wasn't so hot, Kie took his shoes from the shoe locker and changed into the outdoor shoes, he was walking and then in found someone standing alone in the gate by themselves, Kie thought it was some first year sibling so he just walked to the gate.

'Who are u waiting for?' This voice came out raspy it was probably because of opening his mouth after a long time, the boy looked and than Kie honey brown eyes met the blue eyes he saw in the morning 'you?!' Both of they shouted at the same time.

'What are u doing here' the morning raven questioned him 'why should I tell you, and what about u?' Kie asked 'why should I tell you' The boy copied his words, Kie was sure that the doesn't want to stay a single second with the blue eye brat so he just walked away from him.

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