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somehow he was trying too hard to be like them

there was an abundance of ways in which people survived school. everyone did it in their own way, whether that was by complaining about everyone and everything, or by keeping their heads down; just counting down the last hours until that alleviating bell would ring.

alex, was the latter.

he kept himself at a soundless nature, abiding by the rules of the school and not moaning every minute about how long they all had to stay there for.

this was due to the fact that he knew once the clock strikes three, he would finally be free. and so didn't think complaining would matter, nor would it make any difference.

it was like a prisoner, finally completing the amount of secluded days the judge had given them. or like a bird finally leaving its cage for a sweet amount of time until it was put back in.

it didn't matter how much you whined, you would still be stuck there until something allowed you to come out.

for students, the sound of that beloved school bell would set them loose.

"i swear, the next time someone asks me what subjects i chose, i'm gonna fucking leave the entire conversation."

jamie cook, was the type to complain throughout the day.

he complained about the littlest things, in order to try and help fuel a poor attempt at making the day go by quicker.

"it's just a question, jamie. it's not that bloody deep."

"yeah, but i don't want to talk about school when i'm in it, do i?"

nick furrowed his brows, glancing to the boy beside him for a brief moment, "why does it matter, you prick?"

"well, if i'm in school, i don't want to talk about it. i want to take my mind off it."

nick had to shut his eyes out of frustration; the nonsense that was coming out of his friend's mouth, was making him think he had actually lost his mind. to be frank, he didn't even know if he could call jamie a friend, he was more of an irritating cousin. you know, that one cousin that you avoided at all costs at family reunions, but still have to put up with them because they're family?

that was jamie to nick.

"you just don't want people to know that you picked bloody french. what are you gonna do with that, anyway?" matt asked.

"open up a patisserie," jamie answered his friend with a shrug, only receiving a silent pause from his friends that could only be defined as vexation.

just, utter vexation.

"i'll move to france, and have a veranda, you know? do french things."

"you do talk some shit," nick sighed, shaking his head, with the hope of dragging himself from the conversation. jamie looked offended.

the most offended anyone's ever seen him.

but before he could defend himself, however, the sound of a male voice thankfully brought the quartet from an argument that would most likely have been settled with alex or matt becoming the mediators.

"oi, helders!"

chris greenwich. he wasn't really liked by three out of the four lads. he was rude, obnoxious, and the type of guy that would make up a huge lie about somebody in order to satisfy his inner need of becoming popular.

the only one out of the small group that actually got on with greenwich, was matt. he'd known him since primary school, and they weren't as close as they used to be, but the mutual respect was still there.

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