Chapter 2; Do-Yun

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The weather sucked. And sucked was a kind word in this case. Jimin walks around in his house, mumbling about how the weather from Spa has followed him here and is punishing him for leaving.
Because right now it not only rained like hell, there was also a huge thunderstorm that made Jimin restless. He was completely safe inside, but the heavy air gave him headaches and he hated having to stay inside.
An hour ago, he put a little bucket outside so he can water the few plants and herbs he has. It's already halfway full.
"At least I didn't wake up early to hike, I would've been caught in this weather." He tells his little thyme plant, having created the habit of talking to it when he can't talk to Do-Yun. He's had the plant for about a year now, picked it up in a grocery store.
The rain clears later in the afternoon, to everyone's relieve.
People are walking around, some admiring the tiny house and Jimin beams every time he's asked about it. He put a lot of money and time into it, having it made in Norway and then flying there from South-Korea, only to travel home with it -eventually.
 He finds the owner of the camping, a guy called Lukas. He's clearly older, hair fully grey, but his face still looks young; wrinkle-free.
"Sir, I was wondering if maybe you could use some help around the camping? I could help you with a lot of things." He was hoping to get a job here, he really liked this place so far.
"Oh! I could! I really need someone who can manage the garden for me; prune the trees, manage the vegetable patch. Would you be up to that?" Lukas' face shines, happy that help is offered to him.
They talk a bit more, Jimin's happy to have secured an alright paying job. Lukas seems like a great guy, giving off a grandpa-vibe, but like, a cool grandpa. One that likes teaching younger people things only old people know.
Jimin shows him his tiny house, beaming once more when Lukas is in awe over how thought-through everything is.
"This must have taken quite some time to build, yes?"
"Yeah, but it's definitely worth it! It's such a nice way of travelling."
Lukas nods in agreement, still stunned over the place.

Jimin's phone starts lighting up, receiving multiple texts from Do-Yun;
'Hey, are you alright? Saw there was a huge thunderstorm where you're at?'
'I'm fine, it was pretty bad but it's dry now. How are you?' he texted back.
'I'm alright, don't wanna work tomorrow though.'
Jimin laughed. 'Why not, too busy?'
'Don't know, feel kinda restless. To be honest, I'd really like to hold you today.' Do-Yun was struggling, feeling incredibly lonely and kind of burned out. He's exhausted, but admits to not sleeping enough.
'I wanna hug you too, cuddle for a bit', Jimin types, a small pout on his face. He's been daydreaming about that a lot lately, how it'd be to have him in his arms. They're about the same height, having argued a bit about who'd be the bigger spoon. Jimin argued he'd be the bigger spoon since he's a centimetre taller, while Do-Yun claims he should be the bigger spoon because he's older. Jimin would playfully roll his eyes whenever his boyfriend pulled the hyung card.
'So you have to work tomorrow too?'
'Yeah, but it'll be a shorter day, if you're not busy, maybe we can videocall?' Do-Yun offered and Jimin's smile grew even more.
'I'd love that! Just text me whenever you're free, I'm hanging around the camping tomorrow anyway.'
'Alright! Better play guitar for me again love! ;)'
Jimin starts laughing, rolling over in his bed. 'I will! But it's not gonna sound great because I still need to buy new strings!'

On the other side of the phone, and of the planet basically, Do-Yun smiles. Of course Jimin still hasn't bought new guitar strings. He should send him some, but sending Jimin things is always kind of risky, he has to stay in a place for long enough.
He knows he should tell Jimin who he is, show his full face soon, but he's terrified by the idea that Jimin might reject him.
He knows fully how weird the situation is and that he shouldn't continue his lies, but he can't help it. If this were just a fling, he wouldn't even bother thinking about telling him, but he honestly felt like Jimin is the one for him. He feels so drawn to him, and soulmates is a huge word, but he thinks it applies to them.
'You know you're the best thing that's happened to me, right?' he sends him, biting on his lower lip. He always gets a bit nervous when sending cheesy things, but Jimin loves it.
'I know, you're the best thing to me too<3'
Do-Yun breaks out in a huge smile, both realizing how giddy and cheesy they're being, but it's fun, so why stop?
O god, here they go. Do-Yun takes a deep breath. 'Whooo??'
'BTS!! I'm so gonna go!!'
He can imagine Jimin, all hyped with blush on his cheeks from happiness.
'Wait, really? Are there tickets available??' Do-Yun's smile has fallen, staring intently at his screen.
'No not yet but I can get one for you too if you want? It's at May 15th in Hamburg!'
Truth was, Do-Yun already knew that. Truth is, Do-Yun was going to be at that concert. He couldn't tell that Jimin, not like this.
'Oh, I have to be in Japan for work I think..' he send back. 'You have to go though, you adore them and otherwise you'll regret it so much!'
'Ahw:( I wanted to go with you! Let me know if you change your mind flower!'
'I will, thank you for thinking about me love<3' He sighs, putting his phone away for a bit. His whole demeanour has changed, face flat and muscles tightened.
His nervousness can be sensed through the whole room.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Namjoon sits across from him, writing in a journal.
"Jimin's gonna be at the Germany concert."
Namjoon nods, understanding. "Yoongi, you gotta tell him."
"I know! I know, but I'm just really scared he's gonna be mad and throw me away."
"He'll understand, maybe he'll be mad at first, but he loves you, he'll take the time to understand why you went about it like this."
Yoongi, Do-Yun, sighs once more. "If I see him in the crowd I will collapse."
Namjoon gives him a small smile. "You really love him that much huh?"
"Yeah, he's my baby." Yoongi has shown the boys so many photos of Jimin, and they all agreed that he and Yoongi fit really well together.
"It'll be fine Yoongi, just surprise him after the concert or something and explain." He reassures him.
"I hope so. You're right, otherwise it'll take even longer. Who knows how long it'll take for him to come back to Korea." He nods, kind of having a plan. May is still five months away, but it'll give him time to think about what he's gonna say and how he's gonna say it.
On the other hand, it could be kind of funny when he finds out that Do-Yun is actually Yoongi, Jimin always fanboys over him and his group to him. It always makes Yoongi stifle a laugh, especially when videocalling.
God, Jimin's gonna feel so awkward about doing that once he knows. He's gonna blush like crazy and probably apologize. But Yoongi feels embarrassed for lying, even though Jimin would never believe him unless they met face to face.
"Do you think he'll look at me differently?" Five months to go and Yoongi's already a nervous wreck.
"I mean... yeah, a little bit. You're the producer and rapper of his favourite songs, he'll freak out a bit. He'll probably just love you even more." Namjoon does his best to calm his friend's mind. "If he ends up hating me, I-"
Hobi chimes in. "It's going to be fine, Jimin is smitten with you! Stop overthinking."
Yoongi rolls his eyes, Hobi has easy talking, he isn't the one who's been lying to his boyfriend for a little over seven months. The boys know it's tough on him, he wants to meet Jimin so badly, but their job makes it kind of hard. 
Hamburg will be the first time they'll be this close to each other. He might even be able to hug Jimin that night, maybe even before he's told him everything.

Yoongi wakes up with a headache, scolding himself for overthinking so much. He had thrown his blankets on the floor last night, evidence he slept really restless.
It's alright though, he'll videocall him today. Though he'll have to make preperations, hide anything and everything that may betray him, lock the door so no members accidentily come in, make sure his face is covered and take out his iconic earrings. Jimin is a huge fan, he might recognize the jewelry; it wasn't exactly subtle.
Once he almost called Jimin while still wearing his Suga rings, thank fuck he didn't notice that. That would've been so so bad, Yoongi feels his heartbeat quickening just from thinking about it. Of course he wants him to know the truth, wants to be able to hug him and kiss him and take him on sweet ice-cream dates. But first he has to hope Jimin will understand.
Yoongi sends Jimin a quick text, 'This may be weird, but can you send me a shirt of yours? I'll send you one of mine back.'
It takes a bit for Jimin to answer. 'Ohh yeah that's a great idea! I wonder what you smell like. That sounded weird. You know what I mean, please don't think I'm weird.'
'You're the cute kind of weird love, don't worry. I was wondering the same thing about you. I bet you smell like fire, with all your pyronamic habits ;)''
Jimin sends back a ton of laughing emojis. 'You'll have to wait and see! or smell, more accurately.'
'Alright wise guy, I'm gonna go to work, I'll see you in a bit<3 have fun today!'
'I will, I'm gonna go hiking! Goodluck flower!'

Yoongi quickly gets dressed, before heading towards his Genius Lab. He took Jungkook with him,  needing him to practice a bit of lyrics, see if it actually fits the way Yoongi thinks it'll fit. Usually he has to rewrite most of the song a couple of times to make sure everything is the way he likes, and also done in such a way that is sing-able for the rest of their group.
Three rappers and three vocals, it was a nice combination. Jungkook could hit notes no one else could with barely any effort and he still looked beautiful doing it.
Taehyung has this deep masculine voice that was also really comforting, and Jin was a combination of the two, with his own edge. It was really cool to see the three of them work together. 
"These are completely rewritten!" Jungkook says, eyebrows raised.
"Yeah, I hated the first version to be honest."
"Oh, well I thought it was cool. Sure, it was dark, but I kind of liked that. It fits well with the leading track you made..."
"I still got those laying around, I just wanted to try this first. It flows better, you'll see." Yoongi promises, not the type of person to throw away anything he worked on. Sure, things land in his 'don't open, mess inside' folder, but hey. Better in the mess folder than thrown away.
"Alright, let's start, I don't have all day." Yoongi says, and Jungkook throws him an all-knowing smile.

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