1- The accident

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Ava was a big fan of the kpop boy group named TREASURE. They inspired her. They were her therapy.

Ava was 16 and from South Africa. It was summer and she was out jogging on a hot sunny evening. She had earphones plugged in so she couldn't hear anything but her music. She had a TREASURE playlist playing while she was jogging.

TREASURE just finished practice and was getting ready for bed. They were working on their new album and was tired. It was 9:00pm there while it was only 2:00pm in SA.

Ava didn't pay attention to her surroundings like she was suppose to. Her mind was just on Treasure, nothing and no one else. As she was about to jog to the other side of the street, a car hit her.

An amublance was called. Ava was unconscious.

Her parents were devastated to say the least. They rushed to the hospital. "Ma'am, sir, please go take a seat. We'll come inform you once we know what state she's in. Right now it's difficult to tell" A nurse told her parents.

Before the TREASURE members went to their own rooms, Mashiho spoke, making everyone stop in their tracks. "I know this is random but, I've always wanted to go to South Africa. I think now might be the best time, since were not as busy like we use to be at the moment"

Ava's parents, Nick and Tessa sat in a chair, her dad rubbing her mom's back as she cried.

Hyunsuk hummed. "Maybe we should go visit. Jihoon, what do you think?" Jihoon nodded. "I agree" He said. "Okay. Me and Jihoon will have a word with the manager in the morning, for now go to sleep" Hyunsuk stated. They all bidded each other goodnight and headed for their rooms.

Nick and Tessa kept waiting and waiting untill finally, a doctor came to tell them the news. The doctor looked at them full of pitty and sympathy. "Ava is sadly in a coma. She can however hear, but that's the only thing she can do...so far we know of. I'm sorry. We'll do the best we can for her"

The doctor then left, to give Ava's parents some privacy. Tessa cried in Nick's arms, Nick rubbing her back to comfort her. Ava was their one and only child. They struggled having a baby for years, until Ava came into their lives.

Ava was important to them. They didn't want to loose her.

The next morning Hyunsuk and Jihoon went to ask their manager if they could go to South Africa to visit. Hyunsuk went to Jihoon and Mashiho's room "Jihoon, wake up" Hyunuk whispered, trying to not wake Mashiho. Jihoon only hummed in response. Hyunsuk snickerd. "Jihoon-ah. Wake up" He gently shook him.

His eyes fluttered opened. He sat up. He had messy hair. He looked attractive as hell. He rubbed his tired eyes which was only adorable. Hyunsuk looked at him, thinking he was nothing but cute. After washing up they went to their manager's office.

"Goodmorning you two, what brings you here?" Their manager greeted them. Jihoon and Hyunsuk greeted their manager. "Well, since we are on vacation we were wondering if we could go visit South Africa before our vacation ends" Jihoon announced.

"Hmm, okay. Let me take care of everything. You'll leave early tomorrow morning so be ready by tonight. I'll phone you a few days before your vacation is over which will be in two weeks on a friday" Their manager told them.

Needless to say, Jihoon and Hyunsuk were excited. They bidded their manager goodbye and hurried off to their dorms. Luckily for them, all of the members were in the living room. Jihoon and Hyunsuk stood infront of the TV, blocking the younger males' view. "We've got news" Jihoon said.

They all sat up in attention. "Pack your bags because were going to South Africa!" Hyunsuk exclaimed. The younger members got up and jumped and yelled in excitement while Jihoon and Hyunsuk just watched them im awe.

By 4:00am they were already in the airport. They got in the plane along with some staff members to protect them and ect.

"I'm so excited! I wonder what's waiting for us!" Junkyu exclaimed.

Oh Junkyu, if only he knew what was waiting for him.

Nick and Tessa was sitting in Ava's hospital room, her mom holding her hand while tears threatened to fall but couldn't. She had cried for hours on end, hence why her tears could no longer fall.

Later that morning they were forced to go home and to get some sleep. They haven't had any sleep in hours.

TREASURE arrived in South Africa at dark. It was late and they were jet lagged. They got a hotel so they went to the hotel and settled down, falling asleep easily.

The next morning and the couple days ahead they explored South Africa. They went to go see animals, resturants, beaches, ect. They had a blast. They were currently at a beach.

"Come at me, Doyoung!" Jaehyuk said to the younger. The younger male let out a weird noise and began chasing Jaehyuk.

Jaehyuk ran as fast as he could but it was no use. Doyoung has caught up to him and pounced him to the ground, landing on the sand.

"ahhh!" He let out a fake painful noise as Doyoung 'ate' him. The few members that were close to them witnessed the scene and were now laughing at the two.

Asahi suddenly got up from where he was sitting. He crept from behind Junkyu, wanting to pounce on him as well.

"Asahi. Don't even think about it" Junkyu said, making the other laugh.

"Aw man" Asahi mumbled, pouting.

"I have an idea" Yoshi informed them. TREASURE was now in a holiday house in Port Elizabeth. It has been almost an entire week and they were going to go back to Korea in four days.

"Why don't we contact some TREASURE MAKERS's parents and surprise TREASURE MAKERS!" Yoshi said in excitement, smiling from ear to ear.

Some chuckled at his idea but liked his way of thinking. "Let's do it" Hyunsuk said.

Tessa was in the living room sitting on the couch talking to her mom, Luna. They were texting when Tessa got a phone call. She sighed, thinking it was a spam call. "Hello? Tessa Smith here" She spoke into the phone. "Hello ma'am! This is Choi Hyunsuk from TREASURE. I heard your daughter, Ava is a big fan of ours.

We are in South Africa at the moment and we've visited some TREASURE MAKERS and were wondering if we could visit your daughter before we go back to Korea. Which will be in about four days" Hyunsuk told Ava's mom.

Tessa tried her best to hold her sobs back. She cleared her throat. "Ahem, yes of course! Shall I send you the house adress?" She questioned Hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk smiled. "Yes please! We'll be there soon and I'll email you when were close! Thank you ma'am, bye!" Hyunsuk joyfully bidded her goodbye and hung up.

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