chapter 1

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As usual siya advani woke up early four in the morning and continued with her day

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As usual siya advani woke up early four in the morning and continued with her day.she is the manager of 'Advani hotels' and also the chef at main branch in mumbai

Advani's have many branches all over the world .For a 24 year old woman she is very succesful, despite being a daughter of multi billionaire she worked her ass off to put advani hotels in top position. She loves cooking so choose to become a chef to which her parents are not at all happy about.

Her sister Alia Advani is an actor and a sight for sore eyes while our siya is cute and beautiful but no one spared a glance at her because of her sister which she never gives a fuck about. And she has a brother, Arjun the heir of advani industries ,to say he is dumb would be an uderstatement .

Siya lives separetely from her family in an apartment which she bought with her salary yes she takes monthly salary from her own parents hotel she says she want to stand on her own feet unlike her siblings . She sees this being a manager thing like an experince to build her own hotel in future she is even saving money for that.

Her apartment is a nice double bedroom house in mumbai, she has no maids she does all the house chores by herself.

As always she is cooking in the kitchen, her phone pinged with a message from her mother says that she has to be at their mansion by 7 in the evening for dinner.

The thing siya hates more on this earth is her family because they are very artificial, they value money more than humans and values. Her heart is telling not to go but she knew that she has to ,so prepared to leave for their parents house in her own car.

 Her heart is telling not to go but she knew that she has to ,so prepared to leave for their parents house in her own car

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She reached the mansion by 7.15 pm, entered into the house all her family members had already seated at the dining table waiting for her to show up. She has taken a seat beside her brother arjun who was busy on his phone sexting his current girlfriend. yeah he changes girl friends like undergarments. She greeted akwardly and got unhearty smiles back EXPECTED. In the middle of dinner her father Rajesh Advani broke the silence

"Siya stay here tonight we are meeting your soon to be in-laws and husband tomorow for breakfast. Wear something presentable and behave like Advanis" Said her father with an infamous expression

Siya got a mini heart attack and was utterly shocked after listening to what her father just said

"I am not getting married" said siya to which her father paid no attention

She saw across the table and found her sister smirking and mother with a sad smile on her face, She sighed feeling helpless

"Dad this is my life and i have say in this too and i am not getting married any time soon i am just 24 dad ,why so sudden and why me why not alia"

As soon these words left from her mouth her dad glared at her

" yes you are getting married and your sister alia has a bright career unlike you .And don't talk back to me like that ever again"

listening to her father 's hurtful words she felt tears in her eyes

Are they even her real parents ?

Her dreams doesn't matter to them?

All these questions are running in her mind before she could react her father got up and began walking away giving a ' dare to talk back' look

Siya felt so devastated
she know she can't get any help from her family, from the look on her father's face it is crystal clear that she has to meet them tomorrow.

After having food siya started walking to her old room but stopped in the hallway seeing her mom. She reached her mom and asked "why me mom? "

Her mother took her to her old room, made her sit on the bed and started
"Sweety i know about your plans of building your own carrer but you know your father and mukesh uncel are friends since school days he asked your hand for his only son,we even proposed alia's name but he refused your sister ,they are good peopel siya ,trust me your mother inlaw is so cool she admires you and Aaron he is very succesful ,rich, and a handsome man what more you expect from your future husband, give it a try okay "

Her mother retired to their room after giving her this long monologue. Siya know who that Aaron Malhothra is, who don't?

He is notorious CEO of the country. The thing that bugs siya is why a handsome man like Aaron is willing to marry her ?

Ofcourse his parents liked her not him right? Definitely he don't like her and will cancel this marriage after their first meet up ,with that thought siya fell asleep in her old room

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