First Snow - Date Tech

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This has been in the works for quite a bit and a huge thank you to SemishiraTeruShou and Shirabu_Stan for waiting (If you are reading) 

Also thank you SemishiraTeruShou for the idea.

3rd PoV

Koganegawa received a text from the Date Tech team group chat about the snowy weather this morning. It told him to dress into snow gear and go meat at the park. The entire team was going to show up and since it was winter break they had not seen each other for a while aside from Futakuchi and Aone who saw each other, they had plenty of sleepovers.

After receiving the text he rolled out of bed with a huge smile on his face. He was really excited to see snow. Even though it usually happens every year in Miyagi, it never failed to excite the first year.

Kogane left his house in a heavy jacket and thick gloves. He walked to the park and was greeted by a few players from his team. 

"Hey Sakunami, Moniwa!" he shouted from the other side of the park, loud enough so they could both hear him.

"Oh, HEY KOGANE!" shouted Sakunami. Moniwa cringed away from him as he shouted, it was probably about 10x louder to the older than it was to the setter.

When Koganegawa walked closer to the two, Onegawa emerged from the woods.

Moniwa asked what happened to him but he could only heavy breath as if he had been running.

"I" he took a break for air, "I got lost and then I heard the knuckleheads screaming and figured out where you guys were," Onagawa gestured towards the two first years.

With that, the four of them had to wait for the rest of the team together. Soon enough everyone had arrived except Aone and Futakuchi but we were assuming that one of them would go pick the other up and that's why they were late.

They were wrong.

Very, very, wrong.

Soon enough the two arrived, but they were not dressed like everyone else. They were decked out in white and gray camouflage, as well as black fingerless gloves. Futakuchiwas also towing a little red wagon behind him. It was overflowing with snowballs. They were all different sizes and some of them had darker colors, implying that they had some form of ice in them. Aone had on a white sash that had pockets going down the front and each of them could and did fit a snowball.

"Ready!" Futakuchi shouted. 

"Wait!" shouted Koganegawa, "I have never been in a snowball fight!"

"Oh yeah is it like a point-based system!" asked Sakunami.

"Or is to the death!" added Koganegawa.

"Just do your best!" Moniwa said quickly.

The italicized words are implying that the part of the story above was originally written by a different author, SemishiraTeruShou, in their book ʰᵃⁱᵏʸᵘᵘ ᵒⁿ ᶜʳᵃᶜᵏ .

"Please say to the death!" shouted Kamisiki, who had gathered a few snowballs on a bench and was also holding one in each hand.

Futakuchi cleared his throat, "As I was saying, READY!"



And on that cue the massacre begone. Aone and Futakuchi had a previously formed alliance that Sasaya soon joined in on to avoid being pelted by them.

Koganegawa was not so good at throwing the snowballs accurately so he ended up trying to hide behind Sakunami, who was actually pretty good all-around in snowball fights. These two first years ended up teaming up with Moniwa and Kamasaki though, in hopes of taking down Aone, Sasaya, and Futakuchi who were most definitely winning this war.

Now that the end was near, the third years, including Sasaya, executed their plan. Simple but effective. Sabotage. Sasaya betrayed the two second years and went with Moniwa and Kamasiki who abbandond Koganeagawa and Sakunami.

Sasaya had word of how his former teammates were going to try to win and Moniwa and Kamasaki listened to every word he spoke.

With their plan ready they divided up and took down everyone but Aone, Futakuchi, Koganegawa, and Sakunami. Moniwa took down Koganegawa and Sakunami easily then all that was left to do was the hard part.

Futakuchi was surprised by their plan but nonetheless had a strategy in case things went sour with Sasaya, he really only trusted his best friend with no eyebrows. Kamasaki wanted the glory of taking out Futakuchi last because he was the one who started this war, even if Aone was by his side. Since the plan was to take out Aone and then Futakuchi, it came as a surprise when Futakuchi jumped in front of Aone and fired snowballs at Sasaya who had hidden in the bushes. Kamasaki fired on Futakuchi right after he saw him though.

That only left Kamasaki and Aone left. Even though a victory would be a great thing to hold over the second years, Kamasaki could not fire his final snowballs on Aone. Instead, Aone walked over and patted him on the shoulder with one of the snowballs he had in his hand. 

Aone won the war, but his best friend Futakuchi was the one to rub it in everyone else's faces.

A/N - Once I started writing this I had trouble finishing it but I actually really like it. I hope you enjoyed it if you read it. Have a good day/night/weird space time!

Bye Bye 💖💛💙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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