Chapter 13

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Yasmine's POV

"Are you stupid, Elena? How did you invest that amount without asking me?" My dad screamed at the phone.

"What are you talking about, Ryan?" My mom replied, confused.

"Don't play dumb. Who told you that the Canadian village was going to be a success? Who even gave you the right to invest?" My dad humiliated her.

I looked at my phone. I could see my mom's reaction as she was trying to comprehend what he was saying?

"Honey, that happened 20 years ago." My mom slowly replied.

"Are you crazy? Stop imagining things and get to work now, Elena. You are such a useless and worthless person. How did my father even hire you? " My dad replies as he ends the video call.

I stood there in silence, trying to grasp this side of dad. When did he ever treat her less than a queen she is.

My phone beeps. It was a text message from my mom.

Mom: Yasmine, your father thinks it's 2000. 

He doesn't even know that we are married. 

Ignore what you just saw. I promise you that he doesn't treat me that way. That's why I am not mad at him. It is out of his reach.

Don't forget to check on your sister.

Yasmine: Don't worry, I will.

I got this under control.

"Elena is as foolish as she could be. I swear that woman has the nerve. She should remember that she works for me. I am her boss." My dad mutters under his breath.

"Don't get mad. It happened. You can't do anything about it." I tried to calm him down, but he flared back instead. I was honestly trembling with fear from the inside. I never saw this side of him.

He was egoistic, proud, and disrespectful. He never acted like this in front of us. I was in pure disbelief.

"I can't do anything about it? Wait till you see one more mistake, and I promise you, I will fire her at the same moment." His vein was popping out of his head. 

I started shivering as I heard my heart thumping in my ear. My mouth felt suddenly dry, and goosebumps sprang up all over my bare arms.

"If there is anything that I can do to help, tell me. I will be in my relative's room." I reply to him, not wanting to mention my sister.

"That would be for the best. I don't need any help." My dad replied coldly.

My heart skipped a beat as I slowly shut the door behind me. I ran to the nearest nurse and explained to her what happened.

"It is very normal for patients to relieve their memories, Yasmine. All we can do is be patient with them. That is why we don't discharge them until they start remembering." The nurse explains to me.

"Just please take care of him," I ask her, worriedly.

"We will. Do not worry." She reassures me, trying to calm me down.

I slowly make my way to my sister's room. I look down at my phone, trying to see if I got any new updates.

I text Selena's mom.

Yasmine: Hi, Auntie. How are you?

Selena's Mom:  I am fine, Yasmine. Guess what!

Yasmine: I am glad to hear that. Tell me, did Selena get her test back?

Selena's Mom: Yes, she did. She aced her exam. She got 90% because she had some minor mistakes.

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