Season 2 Episode 1: Wangji's Iron Burn

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"Ah, San Lang, it's my first time on the show. I'm so excited!" Hua Cheng gestured towards a metal door, with 'Room 19' plastered on the upper part of it. "I hope it'll be to Gege's liking," Hua Cheng whispered as he slowly opened the door, peeking to see if they were the first ones to arrive, leaving the door slightly ajar as they walked into a very spacious and light-filled studio. "O.M.G Lan Zhan, look! Look! It's Hua Cheng and Xie Lian!" Wei Wuxian got up from a grey couch from within what looked like half of a living room - the other side filled with camera equipment pointed towards it.

Wanji sat as dignified as ever - his jade face cold, but his eyes reflecting contempt. Not getting up from the couch, Lan Wangji nodded at Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, acknowledging their arrival.

Xie Lian scratched his head and 'haha'-ed in awkwardness, walking towards Wei Wuxian, who already started running up to them. "I was waiting here with Lan Zhan for such a long time I was about to throw up for fun because of how bored I am." Wei Wuxian made a gagging expression, pointing his finger at his throat, then laughed. "I'm kidding! Come, come, we are still waiting for the demon lord and his newly wedded bride-"

Right before Wei Wuxian got to the word "bride," Shen Qingqiu cut in.

"AYO! You! The one with the silly face and devilish hair!" Along with the anxious Binghe by his side, Shen Qingqiu stormed into the studio, cursing at the intensity of the bright lights once entering. He shaded his eyes with his long sleeves, squinting, trying to make an annoyed face at Wei Wuxian by sticking out his tongue.

Wei Wuxian only replied, "Hm? Me? Wait... What why are you shading your eyes?? Am I too bedazzling for you?" Wei Wuxian then did a spin and winked in Shen Qingqiu's direction.

Shen rolled his eyes to the back of his head. "Save it for the camera."

Binghe, finally noticing the disturbance his Shizun was experiencing, couldn't help but hiss at the lights like an irritated cat. "Coming into a bright room after walking through a dark lit hall..." Binghe started tearing up, trying to shield his special one from the light. Binghe whined, "It's this dumb one's fault, I knew Shizun was sensitive to light, yet I didn't dim the lights for you. I deserve punishment." Binghe sniffled, and his Shizun couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm fine! Binghe! Stop. I- it's not your fault." Shen Qingqiu then removed the sleeve that covered his eyes, "See, I just had to adjust to the light in here."

Wei Wuxian struggled to contain his giggles. "Awww, Binghe and his Shizun sitting in a tree k-"

Shen Qingqiu's earlobes were red, and his eyebrow twitched. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS! CAN YOU SH-"

While watching this, Xie Lian thought, Should I fix the atmosphere? Wanji and San Lang are helping the producers set up, so I...

Xie Lian sighed, his forefinger and thump crunching up his forehead, getting ready to use his Crown Prince of XianLe voice to quiet this crowd. I should just laugh and cry at this point.

"Okayyyy everyone please settle down-" Xie Lian began, but then he was interrupted by the producer. He sighed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone get on set! We have five minutes until showtime."

Hua Cheng paced towards Xie Lian, the biggest smile on his face, his eye-smiles were like fine crescent moons. Hua Cheng grabbed the other's long sleeve, pulling Xie Lian in the direction of the comfiest, fluffiest couch on set. "Gege, I'm telling you, it'll be great. You'll love it. They take some random clip of our adaptions and show them to us, whether it be from the book, Live Action, Donghua, Manhua- whatever we have! If it's not in any adaption now, then they recreate a scene from the book, but those are usually the more nerve-wracking ones. The adaptions hide a lot of the stuff that the book doesn't." Hua Cheng had on a smug face like he was nothing to be embarrassed about... Is there really nothing to be embarrassed about, San Lang? Xie Lian thought to himself as he tentatively stared at the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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