"If it ever gets too tough and you can't seem to find the way out, I'd like to remind you of the way ALLAH allows the golden rays of the sun to break through the thick blanket of clouds hovering above the ground. ALLAH will give you a way out like the sun's thin rays penetrate through the grey clouds; He will give you goodness before your hardship, during your hardship and after your hardship. You may not really notice or see it because your focus might be on the hardship itself and not on the good that comes with it. On a cloudy day we don't see the sun, we just focus on the clouds, forgetting the thin rays of the sun that are breaking through the clouds. We just wait for the clouds to go away and for the sun to reveal itself. And when we start to see the sun again, we forget that the light was there all along.
There is light around you, I promise."