𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐇 ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ

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"Something that only we know, something that'll be kept just between us two"

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"Something that only we know, something
that'll be kept just between us two"

at the Salvatore mansion, her body laid sprawled out on Stefan Salvatore's bed. The sheets that used to be neat now messed up from her being on it.
This is what she'd do every night, when the clock would hit seven o'clock she would get dressed, pack a bag and make her way over to the mansion, and sneak into Stefans bedroom. Waiting for him.

Tonight would be the night, like the other nights. Her eyes met the ceiling, one of her hands playing with a strand of her curls. It was silent, as usual in the boarder house. Not to long, she heard the door
open and close. Sitting up, a fond smile matched his.

"Stefan." Stefan Salvatore smiled, a real smile. From where he stood his eyes took in her petite figure on his bed. His eyes held nothing but lust
and love. Something that he'd have for one
girl and that girl being Elena Gilbert. But it
was all grey and dull for the doppelgänger
unlike for Evelyn Bennett. The girl that stole
his heart from the moment they met. Stefan
walked over towards the Bennett girl that still smiled, at just the sight of the blonde green eye

Slowly, the curly haired girl reached up
towards the man who toward over her frame.
With his hands he grasped on to her hips, their
eyes meeting as her hands combed themselves in his blonde hair that was in a nice— style. The
'hero hair' style. It wasn't to long until their
lips met each other, it felt like oxygen got sucked
out of her as she tightened her grasp on his hair,
this only earning a groan from said vampire.

"I missed you." She pulled away, gaining back
her breathing. With her fingers she traced over
his face.

"Not as much as I missed you." Was his response
as he went back in for another kiss. Bitting down hard on the bottom of his lip, she heard a growl escaped from him as he quickly with his quick reflexes pushed her down on the bed, taking off
his shirt he was on top of her before she could
even blank. His lips connected with her neck,
she gasped at the sensational feeling. She didn't
even notice him ripping her shirt off along with
her shorts, only leaving her in a lace set piece.

Grinning, she was the one on top and him on
the bottom staring at her with those familiar
eyes she's seen everyday——and every night.
Before things could get heated between them.

"What happened today?" Questions the
brunette, ignoring the feeling from underneath
her on Stefans lap. Stefan, with a frown placed
his hands on the girls hips and gave it a squeeze.

"Ah, the same as usual—"the Salvatore male paused. Licking his bottom lip. Today Stefan
was at the Mikaelsons mansion today was his
mission to finding out who the five was this
ending with A guilty Stefan apologizing to
Rebekah just before her brother daggers her.
Stefan gulps, Evelyn looks down at him with
furrowed brows.

What was going on in his head. Klaus convinced Stefan to help him as the map may lead them to
a cure for vampirism. But, Stefan only agreed because of Elena. thinking of Elena's struggle
to adapt.

"Stefan, what's wrong?" Evelyn's voice made
him come back from his thoughts of the cure.

"No one must know about the cure, do
you understand? Not Damon. Not Elena and especially not Evelyn. Oh, don't look at me like
that, I know things. If this gets out, it could mean
all our deaths. So if you tell anyone, I'll erase
each and every memory from all of you."

"I won't say anything——"

"It's just you and me in this, Stefan. Some
secrets are stronger than family." Klaus's told Stefan.

Putting one of her hands on the side of his
head, she brings back his attention seeing him wondering off out in space, along with his mind. Something was off. "Stefan? What's going on? What happened today when you were out? Is it Damon and Elena?"

Shaking his head, he grabbed her hand and kissed
it, sending her a small smile.

"It's nothing, everything's fine——" he assured
the brunette who didn't believe anything he was
saying. "Look, everything's fine. I went to klaus's." Evelyn gave Stefan a look.

"You went to Klaus? Why?" She was beyond confused, why would Stefan go to the person who has not only taken away his humanity but has hurt his loved ones, not to mention him taking away klaus's family.

"The Hunter is there. I needed to find out some information." Stefan said, thinking of his words before he said something he wasn't supposed to.

"And did you? Find out anything of the Hunter——?" She asked, with curiosity.

"I found out more than I originally planned—"
he told her. "But, let's talk about it tomorrow.
Right now it's about you. Us. Let's focus on that."

He didn't want to spill any more about the events, so before the Bennett girl could ask further more questions. Stefan switched their positions and kissed her like he needed it, like he needed her.

"Stefan." She moaned, feeling him come inside
her. Stefan took it slow before he pounded in her like there was no tomorrow, she held the sheets
with clinched fists as her eyes rolled to the back
of her head. With clinched jaw, Stefan smashed their mouths together, hungrily. Her moans were music to his ears. Her hands tugged on his hair harshly, she scratched his back, as blood dripped.
Her hair was in a pool around her, grunts came
from Stefan as he went faster, at her command.

The night went on, went on like it always did.
And when it went on, it went on between them. Between them it was—— and will always be
a secret. An affair, a secret love affair. And the
affair will continue, as she moans his name.

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