Chapter 30

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"What's going on?"
"What happened?"
"Are you okay?" the students that still stood asked the fallen ones. The students on the floor all groan, clenching their stomachs.
"I told you," Killua said, looking at his fingernails. He then looks up at his classmates with an unamused face.
"I warned you too. Now, look what happened," Killua grumbled.

His classmates ignore him as they tried to examine their peers. Killua sighed and glanced to his PE teacher, who was on the phone. Mr. Karasuma started to sweat as the phone call went on. Killua walked over to his teacher only to slightly jump when he slammed Koro-sensei onto a table.
"Everything okay?" Killua asked. Karasuma shook his head.

"Damm it. We should've listened to you!" Karasuma growled, glancing at his sick students. He felt like he failed as a teacher to protect the ones he watches over. Killua scoffed and placed his hands behind his head.
"You should've," Killua blurted out, not caring if he made his teacher feel worse.

"KILLUA!" Zushi cried out, running up to the pale boy. Killua snapped his attention to his young friend. Zushi's face was red and puffy, tears gathering at the corner of his face.
"What's wrong?" Killua calmly asked, bending down to become eye level with Zushi. He had a soft voice, one he only used with his sister and young children. Zushi pointed over to Gon, who was curled up on the ground. Killua's eyes shot open at the blood coming from Gon's nose and his pained groans.

Killua immediately sprinted towards his friend, only to smack the boy's head.
"What the hell! I told you not to drink it! You moron..." Killua frustratingly shouted. Gon laughed and turned around just enough to look at his friend.
"Killua...I just wanted orange juice," Gon mumbled.
"That wasn't even orange juice," Killua complained. Gon smacked a finger to Killua's lips, making Killua blush.

"It was," Gon mumbled before going limp. Zushi and Killua screamed thinking Gon died. That was until they heard snoring. Killua repressed his urge to smack Gon again. Instead, he picked him up and brought him to where the other sick students laid. Killua stared at Gon's sleeping face.

"Idiot," Killua grumbled, seeing the bruise on his nose. Gon was only injured not sick.
"He's just being dramatic," Killua told Zushi, rolling his eyes. The younger boy sniffed before letting out a sigh of relief. Zushi whipped his face clean with his karate outfit. That's when Killua noticed, 'When did people have time to change?'

"Oh-Zushi? How long have I been in the ocean?" Killua asked.
"I don't know, ten minutes maybe? You kept floating there, debating if you wanted to swim or not. For a second most of us thought you forgot how to swim," Zushi explained. Killua facepalmed.
"By the way, I didn't know you still had that," Killua said, trying to make conversation while students slowly died in the background. You know, the casual.

"Oh it's one of the few things I packed. I'm glad my parents didn't throw it away. They throw away my heaven's arena room key though. How am I supposed to go inside now?!" Zushi groaned. Killua patted Zushi's shoulder, repeating the word, 'there there.'
"Oh, Killua! I need help from you with my nen," Zushi admitted. Killua tilted his head in curiosity.
"Maybe later okay, somewhere more private," Killua whispered, glancing at the nearby students who looked at him. They all seem to have the look of, 'Why isn't he dead yet?' This offended Killua but he shrugged it off.

Zushi and Killua made their way to their teachers, who were talking about a mystery man with other students. It seemed the man was located at a hotel with a criminal history. Killua was intrigued with the conversation and walked closer. Although, Killua suddenly felt hot and wobbly. He placed his hand to his forehead. 'Damm, this poison is stronger than I thought. Nothing I can't handle though,' Killua thought, shaking his head. He has handled worse after all.

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