Chapter 10

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Zushi was walking home. The sunset long ago, and dark clouds crowded the sky.
"Is it going to rain?" Zushi thought out loud, looking up at the sky. He took in the feeling of the cool breeze that was sifting through his short brown hair. It was past eight and his curfew was eight-thirty. The short boy speeds through the streets of the town, apologizing every time he bumped into someone.

Soon enough, Zushi made it to his foster family's apartment. The boy took out his keys from his backpack, hesitant to open the door. 'It's late,' Zushi thought, looking down at his phone screen. It was nine, thirty minutes after the curfew. His foster parents would surely be in a panic and would have his head. The boy gulped, his throat was dry and his body was tense.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home," Zushi said, opening the door slowly. He peeked his head inside and his foster mother was on the ground, tears staining her cheeks. Zushi opened the door all the way and saw a very disappointed father near the dining table.
"Zushi!" the mother cried out, rushing to the boy and engulfing him in a hug.
"Where were you? Are you hurt?" the mother asked, her right hand clinging to Zushi's shoulder and her left on the boy's cheek.
"I was studying with a friend and I'm doing fine," Zushi answered, trying to get his mother's hands off him. Zushi's father walked over to the boy, arms crossed, and face stern.

"You missed curfew," the man said, grabbing the boy's arm and dragging him to the hallway. Zushi didn't risest, afraid of what would happen if he did. The mother followed close by. Worry was implanted onto her face and she couldn't bear to let her son leave her side again. Zushi was thrown into his room. Papers and books littered his room and on his desk was a pencil.
"Once you're done studying, you'll go eat, after that you may go to bed," the father explained, closing the door and locking it. The mother followed the man down the hall, entering the kitchen. She had already prepared dinner and was left with the task of heating the food again and washing the dishes. The father went over to the cabinets to make himself some coffee.

"I was so worried! I was about to call the police," the mother said, aggressively washing the plates as she tried to calm down.
"You worry too much darling. Although, I'm disappointed with his tardiness as well," the father said, placing his mug under the coffee machine.
"He wasted valuable studying time, if his grades go down, he'll be placed into lower classes. I can not allow that to happen," the man said.
"He did say he was studying with a friend," the mother said.
"Yes, however, I prefer for him to do it here."


Zushi flipped through the pages of his books, taking notes of everything. His eyes grew heavy and his stomach began to ache. Soft thumps were heard as rain poured onto the window. Zushi hesitantly looked over at his phone placed on the corner of his desk, but he shook his head. 'It doesn't even have internet,' Zushi thought, letting a sigh escape his lips.

Once he finished the book, he placed it on top of another finished book. 'Two down, three more to go.' The boy picked up the third book it was big, heavy, and had many pages. It was past ten now. He was going to skip the food and sleep right away once he finished everything.

"I wish I was home," Zushi mumbled, thinking about Wing and Bisky.

"Hey Killua, wanna join our group?" Karma asked, pointing to Nagisa and a few other students. Killua hesitantly looked at the group, they all didn't seem to mind.
"Sure," Killua quickly replied after seeing Nagisa nod in agreement. Karma smiled and grabbed Killua's wrist.
"Great!" Karma said, dragging him to the others. Killua grew flustered and forced his hand out of Karma's grip.

"Idiot, don't hold my hand like that!" Killua shouted, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Karma was shocked, but then a devilish grin grew on his face.
"Oh, you're embarrassed?" Karma cheekily said, snickering under his breath. Killua's face turned a brighter red.
"Of course I am!" Killua rushed out. Karma laughed and the others joined in too.

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