The Cross 1 Part 58

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"Did you get any sleep?" Coral questioned walking out onto the back porch where Pope and John B were both lounging on separate chairs and Kie was laying across the sofa looking like she was asleep.

"Not really," John B responded.

"Well I made breakfast.  I suggest you get it before JJ devours it all," she told them jumping to the side of the doorway as all three of them jumped up and ran in the house, "Good God, you're like a pack of rabid wolves!"

After breakfast everyone returned to their original places out on the back porch with JJ following them out while Coral cleaned up the kitchen.

"How did I get to be designated mother of this group?" Coral muttered as she scrubbed the dishes, "I cook and I clean and do I get so much as a thank you," she continued to rant.

"Baby Girl!" JJ yelled from the back porch, "Leave that shit till later we gotta go!"

"Crusted egg on plates aren't fun to scrub, JJ!" she called back.

"Coral, Sarah's here.  She found the island room," JJ said appearing in the kitchen doorway.  

Wide eyed, Coral dumped the plates into the water to soak before hurrying after JJ, "Well why didn't you say that!"

"Guys, listen to this," Pope told them looking at Denmark's diary as John B drove them towards Tannyhill, "The diary says the cross holds the most holy relic in all of Christendom, the Garment of the Savior."

"So wait he's saying there's a holy garment inside the cross?" Kie asked.

"Yeah.  It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady," Pope answered reading from the diary.

"Mmmm,yeah.  'If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well'," JJ chimed in.

"Where did that come from?" Coral questioned as everyone turned to JJ looking confused.

"What?  I went to Sunday school," he retorted as Coral laughed.

"Well, that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad.  She thinks it can heal her," Pope realized.

"What else does the diary say?"

"Many feel that we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing, and God will strike His vengeance down on us," Pope read.

"Thing is, God did have His vengeance," Kie said.

"He sent a hurricane to sink the ship," Coral remarked as Kie nodded, "And only Denmark survived."

Pulling up to the front door of Tannyhill they climbed out of the van and headed inside.

"This place is kind of freaking me out," Coral muttered as JJ took her hand as they followed Sarah down one of the many hallways.  "I got you," he whispered back.

Walking into the room with the others she looked around at the walls, "Holy shit."

"Welcome to the Island room," Sarah said, smiling as she motioned around the room.

"Yo, this is a map of the whole island," John B realized as they spread out around the room to study the paintings on the wall.

"Yeah, John B, I think you're right because this is Rixon's right here," JJ said, as Coral ran her fingers over the drawings.  

"Guys, look, Parcel 9 and the well," Kie called from the other side of the room.  

"Okay, so if that's Parcel 9 and that's Rixon's," John B was saying as he pointed to each wall, "Then this has to be the surf break at Mase," he realized turning to the wall between the two.

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