Chapter 4: Meet Cyndaquil and Kurt. Azalea Gym Battle!

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After earning a Zephyr Badge from Violet City, the gang were on their way to get Luna's second badge.

Brock was looking at the map book of Johto. "According to this," he said, "the next place to earn a gum badge is called Azalea Town."

"Azalea Town?" Luna questioned, "Oh hang on a minute, Professor Oak said that Kurt lives there."

"That's good," Misty said, "that way we can do Professor Oak's errand and get the gym badge at the same time."

"I do hope this Kurt guy does find out about this GS ball," Luna said, "cause I'm really anxious to know about it."

Tomo, Misty and Brock were anxious about the GS ball too.

Suddenly a purpled haired boy came up to them. "Hey," he said rudely, "you better not get in my way while I catch Cyndaquil."

"Cyndaquil?" Misty asked.

"That's right," said the boy, "wild Cyndaquil live in this forest, and I plan to catch one. So again don't get in the way." Then he left.

"Goodness me, what a rude person!" Misty exclaimed.

"Yeah," Brock agreed, "and if he does catch a Cyndaquil, I'll feel sorry for it."

Luna turned to the others, "If you three don't mind, I wish to catch myself a Cyndaquil." She said.

Luna was eager to catch each starter pokemon of Johto like she did in Kanto. She already had a Chikorita, now she could catch Cyndaquil.

"Go ahead Lu," Brock smiled, "just make sure you catch it before that purple haired guys does."

Luna nodded and she, Pichu and Zorua left the others to look for a Cyndaquil.

Luna, Pichu and Zorua walked through many grassy areas with trees to search for Cyndaquil, but they couldn't find one yet.

"Oh Arceus, I thought we would find one by now." Luna said.

Just then Pichu and Zorua noticed something and showed Luna what they saw. On a big wall of rock, with small caves, was a Cyndaquil standing outside a small cave.

"Alright a Cyndaquil," Luna said, "good work you guys."

Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokémon.

It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously.

"Okay Pichu, Zorua," Luna said, "let's catch it."

Luna, Pichu and Zorua started to climb up the rocky mountain, "I hope that Cyndaquil doesn't leave before I get up there." Luna said.

Unfortunately troubled appeared; the purple boy from earlier had turned up.

The boy noticed Luna and the wild Cyndaquil. "That Cyndaquil is mine little girl." He said. He sent out a Sandslash from a PokéBall. "Stop that kid with Sand Attack." The boy said to his Sandslash.

Sandslash climbed up the rocky mountain, stopped on a small cave edge above Luna, and sprayed sand on Luna to make her loose her footing while climbing.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Luna shouted.

Pichu and Zorua was glaring at the boy angrily.

"I'm catching that Cyndaquil kid!" The boy shouted.

Cyndaquil noticed what had just happened, and then it ran off. The boy and his Sandslash ran after Cyndaquil.

Luna began to climb up the mountain again. "Come on Pichu, Zorua," she said, "let's get Cyndaquil before that looser does."

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