Ive always known I loved you

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Pining, confession, heartbreak, pain

Its finally here, graduation day. Full of emotional goodbyes, full of new opportunities and expeeiences that lie ahead. For a certain freckled boy, what lies ahead is finally facing his fears and confessing to his crush, Tsukishima. No not that snarky middle blocker but instead his older brother, Akiteru.
He'd been head over heels for him since he first laid eyes on him, and the desire has been growing nonestop since the beginning of highschool. Right now its over bearing and he can't hold it in his heart any longer.

The green haired boy is standing alone next to the vending machine near the boys vollleyball club, everyone else is at the ceremony. He pulls out his phone to check the time 2:06pm it reads. Akiteru is 6 minuets late, he'd texted him to meet him here. Tadashi's nerves are building, his mind getting the better of him, of course he's not gonna show up i look like a fool standing here alone.
1, 2, 3 minuets pass and Tadashi has desided hes gonna go back. Just as he turns the corner he's knocked down, its Akiteru. He ran right into him, there are flowers falling to the ground and a shocked expeession on Akiteru's face.

"Oh my goodness,are you ok Tadashi?! Sorry I'm late i wanted to get you flowers to congragulate you on graduating." He say as he kneels down expecting the younger boy to make sure he isn't injured.

Tadashi feels his eyes begin to moisten,tears threatening to fall. Not because he was hurt, but because hes filled with relief that he wasnt stood up, hes happy that his crush got him flowers though theyre splayed all over the ground, and the way he's ao worried if hed hurt me its this gentleness that he fell for, and the kindness in his honey brown eyes, the sweetness of his voice. Its all too much, too overwhelming, the dam breaks and the tears begin to fall down those freckled cheeks and he smiles widely.
"Yeah im okay." He sniffles and quickly wipes away his tears.

Akiteru has a priceless look on his face, mix of concern and confusion. Never the less he helps yamaguchi to his feet.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Aki asks

Yamaguchi nods profusely, full of new found courage, he's never been so sure of anything in his life but he's a million percent sure about his love for the boy standing infront of him.

"So what did you want to tell me Tadashi?" Akiteru asks, tilting his head slightly like a puppy.

"I ..... I like you. I really like you Akiteru" he blurts out after a slight hesitation, and he bows deeply holding that position until he hears an answer.

He sees Akiteru shuffle his feet. There's a breif silence which feels like an eternity.
"I know." He says bluntly,his words slicing through the air. Tadashi shots up from his bow with a dumbfounded look on his face.
WHAT!? SINCE WHEN?! He wants to say but the words are stuck in his throat

But it's as if the blonde could read his thoughts, he answered,
"I've known for about 2 years, you think i don't notice the way you sneak glances at me, how easily you get flustered only when I'm around, the way you tense up whenever i graze you. I was very shocked when you asked to meet me alone, and I'm even more shocked by how boldly you just confessed to me but...." His words trail off leaving an eerie silence in the air.

Tadashi heart sinks. He's in shock, he knew all this time and just played dumb to it all i can't believe him. He has been playing with my heart for years! Tadashi feels the heat rising in his body. He feels like he's blushing all over.
"But..?" Tadashi asks breaking the silence

Akiteru ponders before speaking "but this can't happen, your my brothers best friend, im 6 years older than you, I'm not interesting at all I've got nothing to offer you. Youre so young you can do so much better tha-"

Anger begins to swell up inside of Yadashi as he's listens to the blonde man speak, and he's had enough of it. "PUT A SOCK IN IT!" He yells startling both Akiteru and himself. He clears his throat, embrassed by the way he reacted. He feels all his comfidence leave and he cant evem look Akiteru in the eyes so he stares at tbe groud and begins.

"Im sorry.. Its just ive liked you since i first layed eyes on you. Please don't give me such lame excuses. I don't care about your age, i don't care if you have nothing to offer I'm not looking for that i just.....i just want you. So if you don't like me please just tell me and ill just go.." Tadashi's voice sounded shakey as hes fighting to hold his tears.

After a moment of tense silence Akiteru begins to speak "Uhh... Okay well I -"

"DONT! Don't say it i dont think i could bear to hear you say you don't like me at all." Tadashi inturupts and runs off after spilling his words all over the chilled air.

“But.. wait!" Akiteru calls out but tadashi doesn't stop and is out of sight in seconds.
"But i do love you" he mumbles letting his back hit the wall looking up to the cloudy sky. A warm tear falls from those honey blonde eye.

Neither of them reached out to eachother since that day.

My Best Friend's Brother (MM, Akiteru X Yamaguchi)Where stories live. Discover now