Chapter 1

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My names Je'taime, but many call me Jee. I'm 17 and a beta.

I'm geeky looking and my grades are average. I'm supposed to live normally but I can't really do that when I can see pheromones. Dunno how that works but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to see pheromones.

I'm not affected by these pheromones like alphas and omegas but I've come to realise the lighter the colour of the shade, they are omegas and the darker shade belong to alphas. I'm also able to distinguish whose colour is whose.

I always make sure to avoid looking too long at the strings and traces of pheromones so others don't find me weird. When I was little, I told a fellow playmate I could see his pheromones and he told me I was creepy because I wasn't an alpha or omega, since that brat was an omega, he went around telling the other kids I was an alien and I would abduct whoever came close. I had no friends at all back then. So my parents decided to move since I was becoming depressed too early in life.

We moved to Seoul city but my attitude was already affected so my personality was quiet. I began pretending to be normal and it worked since I have 2 classmates that talked to me. An omega name Charlie and a beta named Lily. Though they only say hi or stuff about homework and assignments. They still talk to me.

"did you do your homework last night?" Charlie bounced up to my desk. I nodded.

"good, good. But Jee..." he began, "You should really do something about your bangs, they grew too long."

I slowly shook my head side to side. My bangs were the only thing that could block my vision of pheromones.

"oh okay, just be careful when walking home, you probably won't see who might come from around the corner and kidnap you." He said leaving to his seat, the joke failed to make me smile.

"BBBAAABBBBE." An alpha leaped at Charlie. Charlie dodged.

"im not your babe Dean." Charlie gave a cold shoulder to his childhood friend who came from overseas. Dean blushed hard at Charlie before looking at me and scoff.

"what are you looking at mutt." Dean spat at me before a hard fist slammed against his side by Charlie.

"don't talk to my friend like that." Charlie growled. Before sitting at his seat two rows behind me.

"..." a cold aura from a blonde headed alpha put the room to silence. It was Liam. He had just entered and sat down next to Charlie. Charlie slightly turned and greeted like a professional business man.

"good morning Liam." Charlie greeted,

"..." Liam didn't reply and began to take a book from his desk and read it.

Dean couldn't help feeling a throbbed in his chest seeing Charlie still smiling at the goldie who ignored him.

I sighed, that love triangle is so cliché.

Two pairs of sea blue eyes turned to the back that sighed.

"..." Liam, had been classmates with the pitch black haired beta for 3 years and noticed that the beta never once greeted him.

He was greeted by almost everyone besides the black haired.

He wondered why.

"okay class. Open your text books." The teacher emerged from the door and began class immediately.

It was odd. Lily wasn't here. But she always held the attendance record of being early and prepared for the past elementary and high school years.

"Je'taime?" the teacher called, "could you open the window next to your desk and let some air come in."

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