chapter 2 : victims and targeted

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(warning, pain. harm. obsession.)

Morning came and I came wearing a turtle neck under my school shirt.

I was told by the teachers I was excused from classes for the whole week because I was doing council errands the whole week. But im sure that's the excuse liam used.

Our school has two councils. The one with xander is the student council presidency, while the other lowkey council Liam is in charge of is the school council presidency.

"sit down." Liam order as I entered and was immediately stared at by the other school council members.

I sat down at the empty chair beside him.

The members watched me close.

Liam 2nd year, leader.

Dawn 3rd year, vice pres.

John 2nd year, assistant.

And Fionna, the attending teacher and representative teacher for this club.

But they all have their own errand boy...or more like a detective to investigate for them. They still get work done though.

"this is the items you asked for." Liam pushed 5 different pens of the missing student.

So five of them have gone missing.

I push my bangs slight open and glanced at the pens.

Each had a different colour.

Dark purple, light pink, dark grey, light orange and lime green...

Their pheromones still lingered strongly. And the colour were vibrant the more mature they are.

"2 alphas and 3 omegas. Missing since about 3 to 4 weeks ago. All 3rd years..." I spoke aloud, but there was a weird colour all of them had. It was like a small tinge of yellow.

It was odd, because no one had the colour yellow as a pheromone. I only saw the colour at a pharmiscist selling pheromone products. And ones for drugs too.

"their heat or ruts weren't natural either. That about much that im guessing." I finished.

"woah." Dawn said as soon as I finished.

"you got all of the right with out us even giving you the document." She smiled curiously.

"there was a document?" I said sweating as I look at liam.

"why didn't you give me the document first?"

" we wanted to see what you were going to do with the evidence first. The correct thing was asked about it but you seemed to have gotten the answer just from looking at it." John answered,

"which is much more suspicious." Liam said, staring hard at me.

I gulped.

"but..." Ms Fiona cut in, "did you miss the fact Je'taime mention something about their unnatural heat?" she questioned,

"yes, what do you mean by ' weren't natural'?" dawn asked,

"i-I mean...their heats weren't supposed to happen early or after they already had it." I said. I don't even know what I'm saying. Just thought it sounded smart.

"are you saying they were purposely put into a state they are vulnerable and then taken?" John assumed,

"y-yes?" I answered.

They went silent like they had not thought of it like that.

"you are so suspicious but the mastermind behind this would never give us such a hint." Ms Fiona pressed her lips together and gave a "keep a really close eye on this one" look to liam.

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