chapter 3 : Mr young

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(warning, danger, abuse...signs of mental disability.)

I grunted as I regain consciousness...

My limbs were tied in front on a pole and my body seated on a high stool. My uniform nowhere to be seen and only a sheet tied around my waist.

But my thought of exposure was overpowered by the pain that emerged from my back.

"u-ugh..." I groaned in a whisper,

" are awake." That disgusting voice erupted my ear drum.

"y-you....why are you doing this?" I said croaking through my soar throat.

"why? Because im an artist...and I have faith that I will succeed in this years theme...'inspired by students' how lovely that sounds, right?" our hazel eyes met each other.

"and I must say..." he continued, " you shouldn't address your teacher like that Student Je'taime~" his smirk was obviously disgusting yet there was a hidden throbbed of pain in his gaze.

"how should I address you then?" I croaked,

"hmm?" a shocked look appeared on his face,


"I didn't expect you to say that~ but call me Mr young." His tone became serious after the sudden shock before.

Mr young began moving the brush up and down. Painting on the canvas based on me.

Why would someone do something like this. Mr young is also a successful art teacher at this school from what I heard in rumours but there was never rumours of his art containing such abuse.

But aren't art usually based on the artist? I mean some have models but to paint the feeling of the moment, the artist must already know what and how the feeling is expressed.

There's no way this bastard knows how it feels to be me right now...unless....he does.

I glanced away from him and was met with the victims.

"a-are you all okay?" I asked frantically but flinched when I remembered I have bruises all over my back. Mr young ignored me trying to converse with his other preys.

"mmm." One of the alpha nodded with duct tape over his mouth.

I mouthed 'rescue is on the way' to them when I saw my uniform and johns jacket next to his leg. I saw a small light flash before quickly disappearing. It must be his phone. Im sure John will do anything to find his phone. Hopefully they can afford a hacker to track it down.

I sighed,

"why the long face~" Mr young asked, getting red paint from and unused paint bottle.

" bangs are making my nose itchy. I can't move it since my hands are tied." I said making an excuse.

"oh, then let me help you~" he rose and came to me and pushed my bangs over my forehead.

"you're an odd one you know?" he said walking back, "all of my other my models had kept resisting and making noise that had me no choice but to use the drugs on them." He began painting again.

"the same one you used to get them in their heat or rut?" I asked,

"yes." He replied,

"though you were a different case. You weren't a omega or alpha... I had to lure you here." He smiled, eyes squinted.

Even though I could not see him. Mr young was most likely a beta...when he lifted my bangs. I saw that he had no colour. So he wasn't an alpha or omega.

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