chapter 4: Liam

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(some new characters in this chapter will be important. Liams family will be explained in the future more better. this chapter a little confusing but atleast there's some cotton candy for you...wink*wink*)

Chapter 4

Liam approached the limousine, holding a bundle up student.

Jee snoozed lightly, only groaning when an uncomfortable shift in the carrier's body lowered and entered the car.

"..." the driver and Stefan remained silent only looking back at the master grasping another towards his chest.

"stop staring." Liam whispered his order. Hands clasped behind jee's tail bone. His cheek was rested upon the hazel haed.

He felt the close soothing heartbeat of the sleeping.

His head tilted lightly as he closed his eyes. 'how should I explain this to father.' Was all he thought when the bundle suddenly arched into his chest.

Jee shifted his face into the curve of Liams neck and jaw.

Liam stopped breathing for a moment when jee's legs that were split on his heaved over his hips. The body settled in a newly comfortable position, this time the arm whose shoulder wasn't hurt slid behinds Liams ribcage and spine.

"..." Liam slowly breathed again, feeling the hand craving warmth from his back.

He felt his pants suddenly tighten when he crossed his leg. He opened them again, feeling his pants tugging.

He turned his gaze and moved jee slightly to see the loose school shirt of the hazel's knotted at his belt.

He placed Jee back at his collar and moved his large hands.

Crawling down his abs that his own shirt hid, his knuckle rubbed softly on jee's body until finally meeting the knot.

"ugh." Jee unconsciously mumbled in between the neck when a finger brushed a very sensitive body part.

"shh..." Liam hushed, his other hand tapping the tail bone gently.

Liam's thumb and finger tangled with the knot. He closed his eyes to imagine the situation of the battle.

"mm..." low sounds emerged quietly from jee.

liam opened an eye, his breath became uneven when frustration rose because he couldn't untangle the shirt.

He huffed, turning his hand into an aggressive fist as he gripped his belt to unbuckle.

Jee's thighs flinched when he felt something turn into a ball and rubbed at him. His head shifted down from the neck into the chest.

Liam saw a view of the knot. He removed his other hand from Jee's waist and help his former to unknot.

He sighed a relief and smiled when the shirt came undone. He slipped the belt to the seat next to him in case it'll happen again. he let Jee settle back into his hold.

Liam looked up, the driver had a flushed face while Stefan looked like he passed out earlier.

"what's wrong with your face?" he stated, raising a brow.

"o-oh nothing may continue...." The driver nose began to bleed.

Stefan was still out cold until the driver announce their arrival.

Stefan shakily opened the door as his blonde young master carried the unknown guy into the mansion.

Stefan showed the young master to the room that was prepared. It was the room furthest down the hall of the guest hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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