Hello, here is the new Chapter one! :)
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Chapter One
Green and Black
A warm gentle wind blew the spring air through the curls of her red hair as she glanced up; admiring the tops of the trees that she walked by. Soft bright green grass cushioned her steps through the forest. She closed her eyes, enjoying her surroundings, letting her nose take in the fresh smells of her beloved forest. Her ears, enjoying the lovely sounds of the birds, the insects, the new leaves on the branches shifting with the wind, and a blood-curdling scream that sent birds flying out of the treetops above her. Her eyes shot open in horror and disbelief as another scream ripped through the forest making her jump. She whipped her head around looking for where the scream had come from. Her heart dropped as a thought came to her mind, what if the scream came from the village, her village. Without another thought, the girl ran as fast as she could to the edge of the forest. As if a wall had appeared out of thin air, something in her heart made her stop just before she left the forest. A strong feeling urged her to not go any further, to not leave the safety of the forest. Trusting this feeling, the girl knew it wouldn't be good to leave but she needed to know if her parents were safe. She quickly climbed a nearby tree to a thick branch and from there, a front-row seat to a horror show. She could not look away as every detail of the tragic event before her burned into her memory like the flames that danced on top of the homes. The first scream, to the smile on the soldier's faces, as they set her village on fire. The soldier's face while he killed her parents burned the hottest into her heart as it shattered. Black and green, were the colors of their uniforms, something about that stood out to her but she didn't know why.
A gust of wind made the smoke swirled up into the sky as she sat frozen terrified by what she had just seen, her eyes locked on her beloved village as it burned to ashes. Emptiness began to fill the gaps of her shattered heart as she started to lose hope. She looked down, feeling the full weight of what had happened. Tears had started to form in her eyes when a strong feeling encouraged her to look up. Zander the Great rode through the village on a white horse that shimmered in the light. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she watched him. He was a known hero who she looked up to. Overjoyed to see him, not thinking, she jumped down from the tree and landed on someone.
She screamed as both she and a man hit the ground. She opened her eyes to see green and black. The group of soldiers that had attacked her village, all gathered around her in shock. She had landed on one of them and knocked him down when she jumped out of the tree. The girl looked up; she was just as surprised as everyone else to see each other. Surrounded by nineteen men wearing green and black she remembered why those two colors stood out to her, a fire ignited in the girl's heart, King Rupert's soldiers wore green and black.
King Rupert is the king on the other side of the border, in the kingdom called Dewawhere. He is known for being ruthless, heatless and loves to watch people suffer. He is truly an evil king for he is driven by power, blood lust, and greed. Wanting more land to control, he sends his men to the border villages to attack them. Stories have been told about how he took over a border village and taxed them so high the villagers died of starvation or were killed for not being able to pay.
A Dragon's Princess (no more tell published )
FantasyThe girl with the red hair. She was born with brown but when a pendant possessed with healing powers was placed on her neck at birth her hair changed. The changing of her hair was simply a sign but a sign to what no one knew. On her sixteenth birthd...