Clash at the Theatre

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     It was a silent and cool night in Japan, the light breeze blowing through the skylight windows. It was perfect outside, the nice stars shining perfectly in the shrouded clouds of the midnights' sky. Not too cold, not too hot. Just...perfect.

     I stretched and laid down onto the old antique couch, the soft fabric soothing to the touch. It felt good to finally lay down and relax. It had been a very long past few weeks, with my Mistress and I constantly on the run. Hunters, slavers, mercenaries, hitmen, you name it. They wanted her cut down because she was an Intoner, they wanted me cut down due to my family weapon.

     We had finally eluded them long enough to find a nice place to lay our heads low for awhile; a very pretty abandoned old classical theatre/opera house. It needed some fixing up sure, but I loved the style of it. I had been fixing the place up; patching holes, arranging what in-tact furniture there was left, replacing loose boards and lights, the process was exhausting.

     It was all worth it for her though. She is my Intoner, and I her Disciple. I didn't like being away from her but she insists that I stay and fix our new (even if temporary) home. She would leave and gather materials for me and I would fix it. Where she got them I don't know, we didn't have any money so she was either stealing from stores or taking bits from other houses. Either way it worked.

     Resting my head on the nice throw-pillow, I finally started to get drowsy. Good, first time in a long while. I closed my eyes, the smooth dark a welcome sight to my aching retinas. My muscles started to relax a bit into the comfortable sofa as I started to drift off to sleep.


     My eyes shot back open at the loud sound coming from what used to be the front lobby of the theater. I closed my eyes again, it getting harder and harder to keep them open.


     There it went again, louder this time. Something or someone was trying to get in here. Odd, I could have sworn we booted or neutralized all squatters when we first arrived.


     A loud explosion rang out as the I heard multiple pairs of footsteps run into the lobby. I couldn't see them yet but I'm sure they destroyed the doors completely. The ones that I just fixed.


     Great. So they're not just intruders, but they're also inconvenient vandals at that. They all ran into the large grandiose stage room through the main halls. They immediately came to a stop when they saw me laying on the couch on the main grand stage.

     (Y/n): I don't want any cookies, vacation pamplets, disaster insurance, blah blah or whatever else you're selling. No soliciting door-to-door sales here.

     ??????: Wow. So not only rude, but also snarky.

     The voice was calm and feminine, seeming to have a slight authoritative tone to it. Nobility, peachy. Why can't these pricks just let me rest.

     (Y/n): I just fixed that door too, should I add it to your tab?

??????: President, how will fighting this smart ass teach me more about my sacred gear?

??????: Be patient, Issei. Slaying a stray devil is the best way to learn.

I opened my eyes again at the male voice's assumption. They're mostly wrong, I'm only part devil not full blooded. I gazed to their direction to see a group of mostly attractive people. I say mostly because there was a brown headed guy that looked pretty generic compared to the rest of his rather gorgeous friends.

Her Disciple (Highschool DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now