Who was she?

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     The dawn's light began to shine through the grand glass dome of the theatre roof, it's rays warming the old but somewhat refurbished floors. Train horns rang through the air in the distance as the industrial districts churned through the morning. The hustle and bustle of the cities here were very different from the rural tranquility back home, but I had started to grow an odd enjoyment if it all. It was endearing in it's own way.

     My eyes opened to be greeted by long strands of soft snowy hair laying across half of my face, which brought a smile to my lips. Looking down ever so slightly, I saw my gorgeous Intoner Mistress still fast asleep on top of me. Her long hair splayed across my face and chest with her head snuggled in the crook of my neck; she was like a sleeping angel in this bed with me.

     The wonderful love we passionately made the night prior satisfying both of our needs as we both laid nude beneath the blankets, the alluring smell of lust still faintly in the room. My pelvis ached, my chest was covered with bite marks where her teeth had pierced my skin, and my neck had hickeys all over it, but it was always so fun! No matter what she tried on me, it was always worth it. Plus as an Intoner, her sexual appetite would be back in full force again before too long.

     It always is~

     And as her Disciple, I'll always be here for her to satisfy her needs~

     My Zero~

     It had been quite an eventful previous day. A run-in with a devil peerage of a nobility house? Zero and I were always quick to meet the locals but that's a fast encounter even for us. I couldn't escape the feeling that it would bite us both in the ass later. Oh well, we were only defending ourselves. I doubt that a family of amped up devil nobles will see it that way though.

Running one of my hands through Zero's immaculate hair with one hand and holding her close with the other; I looked up through the glass dome above us. The sky was quickly brightening up for the day with lovely fluffy white clouds. A nice breeze blew through one of the open panels, signaling that the temperature was warm but not too much.

     I felt a slight rustling, looking down to my chest to see my Intoner Master waking up. Pushing her hair out of her eyes; she kissed me before sitting up and stretching, arching her back and pushing out her generous chest. I could never get over how perfect her body was. Her breasts were my favorite part, higher C-cup in size, not that she ever bothered with wearing a bra. Perfectly round and perky while having the perfect little bounce to them as she walked or ran. Smooth and firm to the touch and as flawless as porcelain; each topped off with a lovely pink nipple.

I reached up and softly squeezed each one; massaging them and gently fondling each nipple. Their smooth warmth driving me all sorts of crazy. Zero smirked; being quite used to this treatment. I squeezed a bit harder, swirling my thumbs around her lovely areola's as her nipples started to harden from my touch; and they weren't the only thing that started to harden~

Zero: You woke up wanting more?

(Y/n): I can't help it, you're just so beautiful~

Zero: Good boy~

She straddled me; my pelvis getting a convulsion of soreness as she did so.

(Y/n): Ah~!

She paused, before leaning down and kissing me on the lips. After a small bit on my neck, she got up off of me and stood; giving me a view of her perfect tight bubbly ass.

Zero: You're still sore from last night, so we'll do more later after you've recovered.

(Y/n): Uuuugh, teasing isn't fair.

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