Part 6/?

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Unfortunately, Ein had to leave 2 hours in because his dad wanted him home, so that left me and Aph to talk in my room.



"If you got asked out by a man, would you say yes?"

That certainly wasn't what i was expecting.

"Where did this come from??"

"Just curious, that's all"

She broke eye contact when she said this, that's how i can tell when she lies.

"You've always been a terrible liar, Aph. What brought this on?"

She took a deep breath "Ein wants to know."

She looked me in the eyes, almost as if she was scared for my reaction.

"Oh.. well.. maybe? I don't really know, I haven't thought about that kind of stuff."

"Ok, that's fine. Please don't tell Ein that i told you this by the way, you weren't supposed to know."

"Yeah don't worry, i won't tell."

"Thank you, i'd have my head bitten off if he found out"

We both laughed

"Ah, shoot." She was looking at her phone, i peeked over and saw it was a text from her mom.

"What's up?"

"My mom's outside to pick me up, i'm sorry i couldn't stay long.

"No worries, i'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Alright, see you!"

After she shut the door, i sighed and flopped back on my bed. Ein's interested in me?? We just started talking this morning!

A ping from my phone brought me out of my thoughts, it was a text from an unknown number..

"Hey, it's Ein. Aph gave me your number, I hope that's alright."

Huh. Speak of the devil.

                           "It's no problem"

I debated asking him about how he felt for me, but quickly swatted the idea away. Aph would kill me.

Ein sent me another text, i sent one back, then he sent another one, then i sent another one, we must have talked for hours, because when i looked out my window, it was getting dark.

"Zane!!" I heard two loud bangs on my door. Ugh, Garroth.

"What do you want?!"

"Mom wants you down for dinner."

"Tell her i already ate!"

Then my door opened. There stood my tall, blonde, basketball playing older brother. Just looking at him annoyed me.

"No, ive covered you for three nights in a row now, I know you haven't eaten so if you don't get up, i'm dragging you downstairs myself."

"Why do you want me down there so bad?! Every evening is the exact same! We all silently sit at the table until Dad comes home from work drunk and criticizes every little thing. Every little mistake that Mom has supposedly made and takes his plate to the TV room and screams at the Television when his basketball team loses! I'm sick of it!"

He puts his face in his hands and takes a deep breath. "I know. I'm sick of it too. We all are. But it would really calm mom's nerves if she sees you at the dinner table, eating. Every night you don't come down, she's worried that Dad has done something bad to you. So please, come downstairs."

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