Chapter One - Rescue Mission

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Naruto was finally back after his training with Ero-Sennin. As he was walking around the streets of Konoha, he saw a familiar face. "Sakura-chan?"

The pinkette turned around and when she saw him, her eyes went wide. "Naruto?"

"Hey there Saku-" Naruto went to say but was cut off by Sakura's punch. "Ack! Sakura-chan, what was that for?!"

"It's been a long time, you idiot" she said and gave him a smile. Naruto grinned, happy to see his teammate and friend again.

"Sexy no Jutsu!" a voice cried and a beautiful brunette woman appeared. Then after a 'poof', in her place appeared Konohamaru. "How was that? Awesome wasn't it?" he asked Naruto excited and confident.

Naruto smiled "Konohamaru, I'm not a child any more. From now on, you should not use that jutsu either"

Sakura looked at Naruto surprised, yet pleased, thinking that he had finally matured a little. While Konohamaru, was disappointed.

"Such Jutsu is mediocre! Let me show you the new Jutsu I've been develop-" before he could finish, Sakura's fist came into contact with his cheek. "Naruto, you idiot! You haven't changed a bit!" she started yelling.

"Now now, Sakura. Calm down" Kakashi said and then, told both Sakura and Naruto to meet him for a test. When the teens arrived where Kakashi was, they saw him holding up two bells. They had to take them before the time was up, working together with each other. After a while, they realised that Kakashi's weakness were the Icha - Icha books so they tried to use spoilers to distract him. And like that, they took the bells.

After that, Naruto and Sakura were heading for ramen. On their way, they came across Shikamaru and Temari.

"Shikamaru, Temari-san! Who do you think it is?" Sakura exclaimed.

"If it isn't Naruto!" Shikamaru said with a smile, something rare since he had a bored face almost 24/7. Temari just looked at him surprised. "So, has your idiocity left you, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked.

"Nope, he hasn't changed at all" Sakura answered.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed, but then turned to Shikamaru. "Are you two on a date?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"That's not it" Shikamaru said, his bored expression once again on his face.

"As if I would go out with him" Temari scoffed. "There's a Chunin exam soon. I'm going back and forth between Suna and Konoha for meetings"

"And it's a drag, but I've become an examiner, so I was told to go and see off the messengers from the Sand Village" Shikamaru said.

A chunin exam? That brings back memories... Naruto thought. The written exam, the battles in the forest, the new friends he made, how he grew stronger, his battle with Gaara. Gaara, I wonder how he's doing. Should I ask Temari? They're from the same village after all. Nah, she would beat me up... Wait- why am I suddenly thinking of Gaara?

Shikamaru brought him out of his thoughts. "So, what are you planning to do?"

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked confused.

"There's a Chunin exam coming up and you're the only one from our class that is still a Genin"

Oh, Naruto thought. Wait, what?! "EH?!" He turned to Sakura, "Then, you're a Chunin too, Sakura-chan?" Sakura nodded.

"Plus, Neji, Temari and Kankurou are Jounin"

"Then... Then what about Gaara?" he asked.

Meanwhile, in Suna

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