Maddison's problem

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The bell rang and Maddison ran up to the door.

Xavier growls at her and moves her away from the door.

I glared at Xavier and motioned her to go to the door to her mate.

"Be nice," I mumbled to him.

"Sure sure whatever," he frowned.

A young boy, with blonde hair and green eyes, walked in the house.

Maddie jumped up and hugged him.

Xavier started fidgeting in his place as if he was getting ready to pounce on his prey.

I held his hands and tried to calm him but it didn't seem to work.

Maddie left her mate and he brought his hands forward to shake Xavier's but Xavier kept his arms crossed in front of his chest.

I elbowed his side and he brought his hand in front and shook the boys.

"I'm Alexander," he introduced himself with a smile.

Xavier narrowed his eyes making Alexander shiver.

"I'm Callie and this is Xavier," I introduced with a smile.

Alexander bowed down and said, "I'm the soon to be alpha."

"Good for you," Xavier mumbled annoyed.

"Come on in, make yourself at home," I said.

"Not too much at home," Xavier said.

"Xavier," I fumed.

"What do you like to drink? Tea? Coffee?" I asked as I led the way to the sitting room.

"I'll have tea please," Alexander said nicely.

"Sure," I said.

Xavier started walking to the sofa but I held his hands and led him to the kitchen.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said while narrowing my eyes.

"Trying to kill the guy?" He said with a smile.

"No you will not! He is alpha Alex's son!" (alpha Alex was introduced in the chapter officially Luna, Callie guessed that their child is a boy and both alpha Alex and Luna Ella were shocked)

"I never liked him anyways," he clenched his jaw.

"Stop that Xavier seriously!" I slapped his chest.

"Fine, you know what I want to do?" He moved closer to me.

I shook my head, "what?"

"I want to grab him and open his stomach and rip out his intestines one by one, making him suffer a horrible suffering where he would not know how he died but he will.."

I pinched his biceps and he hissed in pain.

"You will not do such a thing! Be nice to the kid!"

"I can't," he said through gritted teeth, "he is taking my baby girl away from me."

I shook my head, "just be nice."

Callie's Supernatural Journey ((re-editing))Where stories live. Discover now