Chapter 1.2: Why is everyone bowing at the new kid?

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Callie's POV

I left the classroom, and walked around the corner trying not to get squished by people, when suddenly two strong hands held me back.

I furrowed my eyebrows and realized that the hands weren't holding me back, rather they were wrapped around me, hugging me. I looked back and saw Maya and Maria.

I pushed them away but they wouldn't budge so I said, "Guys you're choking me!"

Maya whispered creepily in my ears, "That is our aim!"

Maria said as she let go of hugging me, "Dude forget killing her. Did you hear about the new boy, he's handsome... who am I kidding he's hot!"

"Nah I've seen better," I shrugged as I leaned against the wall behind me.

Maya threw me a look that said 'WHAT?'

Maria asked, "Where have you seen nicer-looking male species?"

"Movies," I said in a duh tone.

Maria said, "I meant actually seen them, as in met them!"

"Oh well, I've met..."

They very not so patiently waited for my response and Maya exclaimed, "Exactly! You've never met anyone as hot as this one-oh my god he's walking this way act normal!"

And with that phrase being said Maya and Maria made the weirdest poses on earth.

Maya put her hand on her hair and Maria posed with her hand on her hip, it looked like someone was taking a picture of them.

I had to say that was pretty normal. Not!

"Hey, Callie!" He waved.

"Hello," I smiled at him.

"So I was wondering if you could take me to my next class since I still don't know the way around."

I threw a glance at my idiotic best friends and found them still in the same poses.

Xavier followed my eyesight and said, "Oh hello I didn't see you there, I'm Xavier by the way!"

"Maria," Maria said as she acted like she was straightening her shirt.

"Maya," Maya said as she fixed her ponytail.

"Nice to meet you two, I'll see you two around since at first period Callie asked me if I could sit with you guys at lunchtime and I, being the nice guy, agreed."

Maria said, "Oh how nice of you Callie."

"I never did that," I said with raised eyebrows.

Xavier said, "But your friends want me to sit there don't you guys?"

Maya said, "Yes it would be nice to have some more company at our table!"

Xavier said, "Great! now Callie, can you please show me the way around?"

"But I want to stay with my friends."

Callie's Supernatural Journey ((re-editing))Where stories live. Discover now