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-- Justin's P.O.V --

Finally, school is over. I guess Latasia is taking me, Twist and Ariana over to the Hollywood sign. I'm a little nervous to see Ariana. I now believe in love at first sight. When I laid eyes on her, I automatically thought she was beautiful. She's a bit stubborn, but I like it for some reason. Me and Twist walked to Latasia's car, and Ariana was in the backseat. Twist sat in the front of course, so I sat in the backseat with her. She looked at me, and I looked at her. Atleast she looked at me. Latasia started driving. Latasia and Twist were having their own conversation. The whole car ride, me and Ariana were just glancing at eachother. I guess we're both shy, We finally got to the Hollywood Sign. Latasia and Twist were already walking up.

"What about us?"Ariana says

"Walk by yourselves!" They both yelled. So we began walking.

"Aren't you dating Selena?" She asked

"Yeah, why?" I say

She sighed.


"Maybe because she was kissing all up on some guy at this party on Friday." She says. I stopped walking.

"What?" I say. She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of Selena and her ex. Wow...

"Wow" I say. She put her phone away.

"Thanks for showing me that. I'm really about to break up with her" I say. Then we just started talking and laughing and getting to know eachother. Her personality is amazing. We both love to sing. She's also really funny, and she's beautiful. We finally got up to the Hollywood sign with Latasia and Twist. They were taking pictures and stuff. Then they looked at us.

"You guys finally met!" Latasia said

"Aww!" Latasia and Twist said.


-- Ariana's P.O.V --

Latasia and Twist dropped me off at home. I got inside the house and my dad was sitting right there waiting for me. He looked extremely upset.

"You got out of school 2 hours ago..." He says. I wasnt paying any attention. I'm looking out the window to see where they went. They went right across the street. Literally. I guess Justin lives there.

"Ariana Garcia, are you listening?!" He says. I turn to him.

"No. I just got back from the Hollywood sign. Are you happy now?" I say

"No, I'm not happy! After school, you either stay for track or you either come straight home!' He yelled

"Dad, since when did you start caring If I'm home or not? Go worry about your new step-kids and new family!" I say and run upstairs.

-- Justin's P.O.V --

So we were all at my house. I guess I live right across the street from Ariana. We were in my studio.

"So, what do you think about Ariana?" Twist says

"She's beautiful, she has a interesting personality, she loves to sing. Should I keep going?" I say

"AWW!" They both yell.

"Why are you guys so loud?" I ask

"We said that because your blushing!" She says. I turn the opposite way. They laughed.

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