Bonus Chapter 2

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It was a miracle Joey and Lauren actually made it to the reception, content just in each other's company to soak in their newly-wed status, but it seemed a shame not to celebrate properly with all the people who had helped nurture their love into what it was today.

It's why it had been such a struggle when it came to choosing speeches; so many people had so many things to say about the couple, but they didn't want to waste anyone's time. Joey's mom spoke, emotional before she even began.

"On one of the days we spoke to Joey, right out of college, he told us all about this girl, Lauren, that he had met. And he told us about how he wanted to marry her one day."

Joey looked at Lauren, and she smiled softly at him. He had told her how long ago he had been sure she was the person he wanted to marry and had been shocked to learn that, despite her reluctance to have a long distance relationship, and hesitance to get back into a relationship even once the distance was eliminated, she felt the same way. Sat beside her now having just made their vows, it was impossible to imagine their path leading anywhere else.

"We didn't quite believe it at the time. He was so young, and we'd only met Lauren once, and we were sure his feelings would change. But they never did, and we're so glad we get to be at their wedding today, because Joey is the happiest we've ever seen him when he's with Lauren."

He felt Lauren looking at him, now, but he couldn't return her gaze or he would cry again, more than the tears already brought to his eyes listening to his mom's voice waver with emotion.

"Joey, honey, we're so proud of the man and the partner you've become. And Lauren, sweetheart, we never thought we'd have a daughter... but thanks to Joey bringing you into our family, we have the most perfect one now."

She had to break off then, and Joey found himself squeezing Lauren's knee as she let out a sob too. Bob finished the speech by offering them congratulations and thanking everyone for coming, though his eyes too were watery.

The rest of the speeches went in a very similar fashion, some more light-hearted in their teasing of their relationship, especially from those who had borne close witness to the early stages of it, but all speaking highly of the strength and beauty of their love, the end result being a very emotional Lauren and Joey stepping out for their first dance.

He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist to hold her close to him, hers doing the same under his suit jacket, her hands gently stroking his back in a way that made his heart threaten to burst.

"Why was everyone so nice to us?" she said, her words slightly muffled against his chest.

" know we do have something really special, though, right?" he murmured.

He felt her nod. "We're so lucky," she whispered.

He held her tighter, kissing the top of her head as he swayed with her, until she finally pulled away from his chest and parted her lips, so he leaned down to kiss her properly.

"Am I dreaming?" he asked her, eyes still closed.

"Mm mm. This is real."

He opened his eyes. "You're so beautiful, Jay," he whispered.

"This wedding wouldn't have cost us nearly as much if I had a dollar for every time you said that," she said, though she was blushing.

"It's true though," he said, and dipped her without warning so that she couldn't argue, leaving her breathless and giggling when he pulled her back up into another kiss.

"I've always wanted to do that," he murmured against her lips.

"You didn't have to wait until now."

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