A Haunted House

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A haunted house
Has haunted dreams
Whoever dares to come in
Prepare to scream

Ghosts and ghouls
Have awaken from their sleep
Their secrets are in their heads
But yours, you will not keep

They will sink their lifeless bodies
Into yours
Taking over your mind
Now they control

Your mind will be discombobulated
It will be corrupt
Tearing you apart at the seems
Oh honey, this is not a dream

No, it is not the Wizard of Oz
Where you can ask for help
You are all alone
It's time to fend for your self

Sorry I can't help you
I mean I could
And I should
And I would

But, it won't be funny anymore
I will have to close down my haunted house
Sweetie you will be hunted down
Like a cat trying to kill a mouse

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