I like to sing
That's why I auditioned for a performing arts school
I got in
I really don't know why
I think I sing like a dog giving birth
But people think otherwise
I don't like compliments
People can tell me I'm pretty
And I say no leave me alone
I don't even know why I got in
But who cares
That was 2 years ago
I was in the 7th grade
Now I'm in 9th
At the end of every year
I see hopefuls of people
Urging their way to get it
I sit back and laugh
I couldn't believe that there was and still is a waiting list
It's probably the most popular performing arts school in NJ
Well I went off track
And this doesn't rhyme
Who cares
I'm just ranting
People say a compliment to me
And I don't believe them
I think they are trying
To make me feel better
Well my sorta kinda stupid
Rant is over
Poetry unlimited
PuisiIf you have dream, reach for it If you have the chance, take it You only live one life Make it happen. Singer/Songwriter Author 9th grader Disclaimer: I write wicked poems about death and killing. I am not crazy I just think crazy. (That probably...