Performing Arts

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I like to sing

That's why I auditioned for a performing arts school

I got in

I really don't know why

I think I sing like a dog giving birth

But people think otherwise

I don't like compliments

People can tell me I'm pretty

And I say no leave me alone

I don't even know why I got in

But who cares

That was 2 years ago

I was in the 7th grade

Now I'm in 9th

At the end of every year

I see hopefuls of people

Urging their way to get it

I sit back and laugh

I couldn't believe that there was and still is a waiting list

It's probably the most popular performing arts school in NJ

Well I went off track

And this doesn't rhyme

Who cares

I'm just ranting

People say a compliment to me

And I don't believe them

I think they are trying

To make me feel better

Well my sorta kinda stupid

Rant is over



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