Plan E

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So in this capter Norway, Romina, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Mr puffen teams op to kill Asturia
But now you may be asking do it really really take 5 countrys and a taking bird to kill one person
Whell no but Norway is the only one here that isn't a idiot or a simp(or I guess Finland isn't a simp anymore shins like Sweden is dead (which he deserves) or I guess Finland can still be a simp for Estonia or something like estfin is a pretty good ship its may I say better then sufin, I know don't come at me but like the only good thing about Sweden is the nyotalia form like she's hot (agree with me or I'm going to kill you in your sleep (unless you are a gay mlm or something like that but agree with me that she's pretty you don't have any reason not to))
But enough whit me being a simp lest move on ok where was I, oh yeah probably something gay)

So the five of them where sitting outside Asturias house
"Time for plan G" Norway said as he was sitting on top of Denmarks shoulders so he could look into the window (it's a tall window fight me)
"don't you mean mean plan B" Romina said kinda confused about where plan B went
Norway looked down at him whit his gorgeous eyes (yes I think Norway is perfect I'm Dainish what do you expect ) and said " no we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties" nor was now looking into the windows again looking at his next meal, the stong looking gorgeous pice of bread sitting on the table he was also excited to kill but bread (it's Gerlach bread and he's gay what do you expect)

"what About plan D" denmark said making Romina want to kill him even more but before he could Norway spoke op "plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago"

(remember what I said about them being idiots whell I was right)

"what abut plan E" said mr puffin somehow like how tf can he talk and how the fuck dose he know the alfabet is he a fucking homo or something, he is, isn't he, yeah he's gay

"I'm hoping not to use it, Iceland dies in plan E" Norway said not wanting to murder his little baby brother UwU

Ice now interesseret " i like plan E" he said as the little depressed bich he is

"no i want you to suffer" Norway said

"so what is plan G then" Finland asked sad about that stupid gay bich Sweden dying (and like why tf did he even like Sweden he's Swedish like the only good thing about Sweden is that he's gay but that's not enough to make him a good character)

"you kill him fin" denmark said still looking into a wall

"why dose he know the plan and the rest of dossent, Iceland don't you dare go kill yourself you are going to suffer whit the rest of os" Romina said kinda pist that Norway dared like anyone else then him, ice even more sad went to chy in the corner like he always does

Norway didn't listen which made Romina even more pist but he understood because Finland was about to kill Asturia who was playing music not good music but music I don't think you can even call it that it's bad can we all agree that Asturia doesn't know how to play music anyway he's dead now how sad but Norgay got he's bread as the homosexual he is and tbh that makes this hole worth it

They all went home and Iceland is still sad but Finland is less sad because he got to kill and when was home Estonia was there for some reason but they fucked and is now has a thing together (idk I'm a lonely gay bich(I'm saying they a gay for each other))

(so like I'm getting my hair colored or one side of it colored green and I'm excited and while it dry I will probably make a new capter but I was just asking if you have any ideas before like this shit is harder then I thought also if you could send this to other hetalia fans that deserve to read this shit made by a Dainish agender lesbian who's dead inside(also I can't make anything on Sunday so like yeah) see ya all §w§)

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