Chapter Nine: Cherries

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Another reminder that this a NEW ADULT story! Lol.

Anybody back in college yet??? Classes started Monday for me and I have my first in-person class tomorrow *cue sad song*

Do me a huge favor and make sure to vote and leave lots of feedback on this chapter!! Can't wait to read your comments! :)


Holy crud. I'd just hammered Lucius in the family jewels like a mineworker.

"Is that my little RINA-BABAY?!" Bianca shouted as I opened the passenger door. "Oh, damn! Look at those little white mittens and that little matching hat. She's a dazzling little ice princess!"

I tossed my bag quickly in the back, feeling like I was going to have a panic attack at any moment.

"Hey," I said with a self-awareness that I didn't sound as chirpy with her as I normally did. I pulled myself together in an instant as I shut my passenger door. "You look like a sunkissed goddess."

"Ugh, I missed you so much," Bianca said, pulling me in for a hug and two air kisses on the cheek. "It just wasn't the same without you on the vacay."

"I can't believe you even thought of me with your new hunky man."

"Bitch, stop. Of course, I thought of you, you're my number one." She looked ahead through her windshield as I ruminated with the idea that Bianca had told me every detail of her hunky French man, but I hadn't told her a thing about my situation. "Oooh, who's black Buggati is that?" Bianca asked.

My stomach felt like lead again. "Could we actually get going?"

"What's up your butt––" Bianca slammed on the breaks, having only moved a few feet from the spot she'd parked. "Oh. My God. Mega Zaddi alert."

Lucius had chosen that exact moment to descend the porch and strode toward his car. He had his phone to his ear, and I could hear the anger in his voice as he spoke very loud in Italian. Before he ducked into the vehicle, his head turned in our direction, and my eyes briefly connected with mine.

"Now he looks like he doesn't speak a word of English," Bianca muttered.

I turned my head toward Bianca. "Drive."


"Please, just drive. He's one of my Dad's friends. Trust me, you don't want to meet him."

"Don't have to tell me twice," Bianca said and slammed her foot on the gas. I burst into sudden laughter as my head hit the back of the seat from her speed. She could have been a little more discreet about it without peeling out of the driveway like that, but now Lucius would have to keep up. Bianca had a bit of a heavy foot on the gas of her

"You know, it's crazy to think that Lana and Annika don't know about your Dad's business," Bianca said, popping a piece of gum in her mouth and handing me the pack. "If they had any idea how many foreign Italian men come in and out of that house, they'd totally be knocking on your door every Wednesday with brownies, wearing skimpy Chanel dresses."

"You really think Lana and Annika would hook up a drug lord or a criminal?" I scoffed.

Bianca shrugged. "If he looked like that guy in the driveway? Maybes. I mean, it's what I regret doing every time I pick you up."

"You're another level of horny. Speaking of, how's your new French man?"

"Incredibleeeeee." Bianca leaned on her steering wheel, dragging the word out in a deep raspy voice for emphasis. "Korinna. Listen, I know how this sounds. But I think he might be the one."

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