Chapter Forty-Four: The Punishment

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My stomach sunk like lead, and I went cold with fear. "I'm sorry?"

Lucius's smile sliced across his mouth like a blade. He took another large gulp of alcohol and that smile vanished. "While you were lying in my bed, sleeping with your tits out to try and sidetrack me again, principessa, I've been trying to fix what you've done."

"What I've done?"

"Enough." The word clipped from his beautiful, cruel mouth. "I know," he whispered harshly. "I know it was you."

I took another step away from him. "I can't believe ... I can't believe you'd––"

He pushed up from the desk, rearing to his full intimidating height. "Accuse you of murdering the brother of the man who abused you?" He clucked his tongue with a derisive shake of his head. "Cute. Acting like you can't even say it."

Adrenaline coursed through my veins. I knew if I didn't get some backbone now and defend myself, I'd be in deep trouble. "What the fuck is going on, Lucius? You left me alone, for hours, and now you come back with this bullshit?"

His smile was twisted in anger, and, if I didn't know any better, hurt. "I should have known we were the same."

The audacity he had to even say that, knowing everything I did about his own family. All the lies that he kept from me, and he felt betrayed right now?

"Lucius, stop," I snapped. "You don't even know what happened."

"No, I don't, but Giuseppe does. Giuseppe, your only witness."

My breath halted. And it felt like my world came crashing down. Giuseppe had told on me.

Lucius watched my face carefully. His jaw clenched, and his face twisted in disgust. "You look as pale as a ghost, amore. Giuseppe defended you."

Lucius had bluffed to see my reaction. "I don't know why you're so adamant on me being the a killer, but you're scaring me. I want to go home."

"During a snowstorm? You better get your snowboots on and start trekking then." He just laughed harshly. He searched my eyes, but he would never be able to search my heart. My love for my family, my loyalty to my family was too strong.

Lucius crossed his thick arms oover his chest. "Tell me everything Anthony said to you before he died."

"He grabbed my arm. Said he was going to..." I looked away, tears unexpectedly springing to my eyes at the perfect moment. "Fuck me... like he always wanted to when I was with Marcos."

Lucius's jaw muscle ticked uncontrollably as I spoke, and suddenly he looked like a panther about to pounce on a kill. Rubbing the back of his neck to work out a knot, he paced back and forth in front of me.

"You believe me," I whispered.

Lucius shot me a sharp glare and shoved his disheveled hair off of his forehead. "I believe Anthony said those words to you, yes. But I'll never believe you didn't pull that goddamn trigger, amore."

I couldn't wrench out a single word except a vicious, "I've asked you not to call me that."

"Giuseppe defended your honor before my father," he said, completely ignoring me. "My father considers Giuseppe a son, and I consider him a brother. It would be easy for me to side with his truth. But I know his tells–– I've played poker with him for over ten years." Those hazel eyes darkened as Lucius shifted his attention to my face. "And I know you have no honor. I know it now, at least. Your lies, now those I can taste in your kiss."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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