Chapter Thirty-Seven: Playing Nice

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Lucius bent down and picked me up, my legs hooking hard around his waist. His hot mouth kept gliding along mine as he pried my mouth open with his tongue and dominated my mouth, his beard scraping against my sensitive lips. He stomped through the snow with me in his arms like I weighed nothing, and it was thrilling. I'd been captured Big Foot and he was a big sexy Italian man taking me to his cave. What the hell were my thoughts right now?

By the time we got to the shed, half of my outfit was already off. My coat tossed somewhere on the ground and our breath fogging the frigid air. We were both hopelessly lost, congregating in the desire of a forbidden in-between with the heavy thought that everything was about to change.

"I can't find the key," Lucius muttered.

After a few moments of wrangling with his seemingly empty pockets, Lucius set me down and slid a gun out of his belt, firing at the lock. The shock of it rang my ears.


"Fucker," he growled, kicking the broken padlock into the grass before he stepped into the dark shed. He spiked his hand through his hair and gave me a look. "What? It wouldn't open."
"So you shot it?"

He reached out and grabbed my wrist. "Get in, or I'm taking you down in the goddamn snow."

The image thrilled me in a way I could no longer ignore. I let him pull me into the shed, our mouths colliding in a messy kiss. His foot kicked the door shut with a mighty slam. Lucius picked me up by my hips like I weighed nothing and tongued the inside of my mouth until my skin prickled with sweat.

We stumbled over something on the floor as we moved to the back, our bodies banging against this and that, until Lucius caught himself with one hand on a workbench.

"My brothers were supposed to clean this damn shed weeks ago." He put my hands on the hem of his jeans, arousal tingling between my legs as he stepped closer to me. "Get my wallet out while I move the chainsaw behind you."

"A chainsaw?" I startled at the fact that a heavy weapon of machinery had been right behind me. But the blade was capped, and Lucius' deep laugh tickling my ears as he grabbed the chainsaw with one hand and set it down on the floor, before returning to me

"What's the matter?" Lucius murmured, his tone teasing. "Don't like the idea of a mafia lumberjack dragging you into his work shed?"

"Don't make this sound like a porno."

"That's exactly what I plan on doing." Since I hadn't done my job correctly with his jeans, he slid his hands casually in his front pockets and then his back. The elation on his masculine features tightened to annoyance.

"No wallet, no condom?" I guessed.

"No wallet, no condom." He leaned his hands on the workbench on either side of me, his head sagging forward so he could bang his forehead on my shoulder twice. "I left it inside on the dresser with my keys. We should have just done this last night."

"Why didn't we?" the eager question blew out of me before I could stop it. I'd wanted to know why he stopped

Lucius leaned away from me and laughed, turning his head to wipe his chin on the arm of his sweater. "You want to know why I didn't?"

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