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"I'm straight, I do like girls" Calum confirmed, after answering the ever so popular question about their sexualities. Michael became visibly uncomfortable, debating whether to tell the truth or just lie to the whole fan base.
"I'm just gonna tell everyone I'm bisexual"
"Okay you shouldn't have said that"

the stream ends

The weight of what he just said quickly dawned on Michael, as he realised he would soon be receiving a very long and draining phone call with Modest! Management (aka the most fucked up homophobic fuckers in the world). Promptly, as if someone was reading his mind, Michael's phone rang with, to no one's surprise, Modest! Management on the other end. This should be fun.

the phone call

"Michael what the fuck was that"
"It's not like I lied, it's who I am I should be able to express that"
"I'll say it again. Michael what the FUCK WAS THAT"
Michael started to realise he was in deep shit, and felt himself start to lose control of his breathing.
"I- I'm so sorry it just slipped out, we- we were talking about our sexualities and I forgot I'm supposed to lie a- and say I'm str- straight"
Michael felt a tear trickle down his cheek and realised he had been crying for a while. The room started to spin and Michael could only get snippets of what the management were saying on the other end of the phone:

Michael didn't hear much else but the sound of footsteps rushing towards him. He couldn't see anything and felt something hard underneath him, had he fainted? He felt big, strong hands on his face and heard an accent he recognised as- CALUM?? Had he come to save him?
"C-Calum? Is th-that y-you?"
"Michael it's me, are you okay? You ran off right there. You do realise you just came out to the fans right? Modest are gonna kick your ass"
"They already did" Michael said solemnly.
Calum took in Michael's physical state.
"No idiot they're giving me a beard"
"Oh shit"
"Yeah", Michael agreed, "although I can't remember how I ended up on the floor, I don't even remember ending the phone call"
"You must have fainted when they told you about the beard" Calum added.
"Sounds about right" Michael sighed as Calum lay on the floor beside him and snuggled into him. Quickly, Michael realised he had a much bigger problem on his hands, as the words 'he's just your friend it means nothing' and 'he literally just announced to the world he's straight it's not going to happen' flooded his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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