chapter 28

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Harry woke up to warm fingertips gently tracing their way down his throat and across his collarbones, the hand warm against his skin as it skimmed down his chest and belly before it slipped beneath the waistband of his pyjama bottoms. He hummed sleepily and shifted his hips, pressing up against Draco’s palm. Draco curled his hand around Harry’s cock and stroked him lightly as he shifted closer to press his own hard cock against Harry’s thigh.

“Morning, Potter,” he said, his voice low and still rough with sleep.

“Mmm,” Harry said, finally cracking his eyes open. Draco smiled at him and stroked harder. “Good morning.”

Draco let go of his cock, and Harry only had a scant instant to mourn the loss of that touch before Draco rolled atop him and rubbed his erection against Harry’s. He leaned down and kissed Harry, his tongue sweeping lazily against Harry’s, and Harry slid his arms around Draco and held him close as Draco carefully worked slick fingers into his arse without breaking the kiss. He leaned away to set the lube back on the bedside table, then rubbed his slippery fingers over his cock before guiding it to Harry’s opening, and pushed inside in a series of small, shallow thrusts.

Harry closed his eyes and tipped his head back as Draco mouthed at his neck. He listened to Draco’s deep, uneven breaths and stroked his hands up and down Draco’s back, revelling in the smooth expanse of sleep-warmed skin, feeling the knobs of Draco’s spine bumping beneath his fingertips, the muscles of Draco’s back flexing beneath his palms. He moaned as Draco’s lips found that sensitive spot just above his collarbone. He slid his hand between them and tugged at his cock.

Tension coiled in his belly, tighter, tighter, until it broke suddenly and he came with a soft cry. Draco nipped at his neck and sped up his rhythm as Harry relaxed against the mattress with a sigh. This was his favourite part of morning sex, basking in his afterglow and enjoying the sensation of Draco fucking him. It was always a little different after he climaxed. With the urgency of his own impending orgasm out of the way, he could take the time to notice all the little details of their coupling. The soft slick sounds of Draco’s cock in his arse, the faint tickle of Draco’s hair brushing against his cheek, the way his eyelids fluttered and his eyebrows drew together and the way his pink lips parted, his breath coming in warm puffs against Harry’s neck.

“Harry,” he said.

He only ever called Harry by his first name during sex. The rest of the time it was Potter this or Scarhead that, and hearing Draco sigh his given name never failed to make Harry’s heart beat just the slightest bit faster. Harry loved when Draco said ‘Potter,’ how he spat it out like a seed. And he loved when Draco said ‘Scarhead,’ their own version of sweetheart or darling. But hearing him say ‘Harry’ was different. It was this, the shared warmth of their bed, the easy familiarity of their bodies moving together, it was a sigh that said ‘I love you’ in just two syllables.

“Draco,” he said back, sliding his hands down to cup Draco’s arse, and Draco whimpered deep in his throat, thrust once more, twice more, then went tense, his hips rocking in shallow little thrusts as he came.

They lay together for a few long minutes, until Draco’s pounding heart slowed and his breathing returned to normal. Then he propped himself up on his forearms and slid free of Harry before he flopped over onto his back. He glanced over at Harry, that warm buttered-toast smile spreading over his face.

“Mm,” he said. “I could get used to waking up like this.”

Harry laughed drowsily. “Five years, Draco. If it hasn’t happened by now, I don’t think it’s going to.”

“Well then,” Draco said, his smile warming further. “I suppose I’ll just have to live with that.” He rolled out of bed and stretched, then scratched idly at where Harry’s come was drying on his belly. He glanced down at Harry. “Getting up, or are you going to sleep a little more?”

Harry thought for a moment, but his stomach felt particularly empty this morning and a fry-up sounded wonderful. “Getting up,” he said, reaching out a hand and letting Draco tug him to his feet.

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