Chapter 5

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~Day 5~

When Levi woke, it was still dark. Erwin was shifting beneath him and crickets sounded through the dark trees. The forest might have been ominous before, what with its creaking branches and too-long shadows, but now he looked at the scene with a clear mind. He wasn't so tired anymore, and Erwin's warmth beneath him felt nice. Peaceful, he thought again as Erwin squirmed some more.

"Is it time to go?" Levi asked, moving to sit up but Erwin pushed him back down with a hand on his shoulder.

"No, my leg just fell asleep, sorry," Erwin said with an almost nervous chuckle.

"Oh." Levi moved off of him, laying instead so his hair only brushed Erwin's leg and his head rested on his own arm laying across the branch. He would have liked to lay on Erwin's other leg but the fear of reopening the wound was too great. Their relationship was progressing quite quickly, Levi reflected, but that was good. They didn't have time for the theatrics and nervousness that plagued the relationships he'd read about in the shitty romance novels that blended inconspicuously with the academic jargon in Erwin's office.

"You're quite clingy when you sleep," Erwin said, and Levi could tell even in the darkness that he was smiling.


"You latched onto my arm and wouldn't let go," Erwin laughed. Levi was glad it was dark because he was sure his face was bright red at this point, so he tried to keep his voice steady. So much for no theatrics.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Oh, no, it's fine. I liked it, even- I was just surprised. It was cute."

"Cute," Levi repeated. "You use strange words to describe me, old man."

"So do you," Erwin said fondly and ran his hand through Levi's hair. He paused and Levi bit his tongue to stop himself from complaining. "Is it alright if I touch you this much?" Erwin asked. "I admit, especially after the whole shaving thing, I expected you to be..."

"Be what?" Levi frowned.

"More jumpy. Tense, I suppose."

"No," Levi hummed, "this is fine."

Erwin leaned over him and pressed their lips together. Levi hummed pleasantly and threaded his fingers through Erwin's hair. Erwin ran his tongue over his bottom lip and gently sucked it into his mouth, smiling as he did so. Levi gasped and Erwin took the opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth. Erwin tasted of lavender and oak and nature. Levi craved to know what it was like to kiss him when he tasted of fine bourbon or coffee.

Erwin broke off and trailed burning kisses down his cheek to his neck. Levi had never allowed his past partners to touch him so vulnerably and he could feel his cheeks redden. Erwin's teeth scraped against his skin and he never wanted this moment to end but-

"Wait," he panted, "wait. No marks."

Erwin pulled away reluctantly and nodded. "You're right, I'm sorry. I got carried away."

Levi pushed his hair back into place and stared off though the trees. The sky was getting lighter as the sun climbed its way back to the horizon, the first traces of its yellow fingers clawing at the sky. "It's time to go home," Levi said. His tone must have been more wistful than intended because Erwin sighed tiredly.

"I almost don't want to," He muttered just loud enough for Levi to hear.

"Me neither. Can't we just stay here? If we go back to the cart we have enough gas to maybe last a few weeks..."

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